摘 要:税费改革后,我国农村义务教育投入面临巨大压力,如填补“两费”取消后教育经费缺口的压力、改造校舍危房的压力、消化偿还农村教育债务的压力、平稳渡过初中入学高峰的压力、农村教育进一步发展的压力等。可以说,我国农村义务教育站到了一个历史性的紧要关头。从试行改革的省份来看,尤其是从湖南省改革后保障农村义务教育投入的实践与探索来看,各地虽然决心很大,推出了一系列举措,解决了一些难题,在一定程度上缓解了教育经费的压力,但存在的困难和问题仍不容忽视,比如经费短缺现象仍然严重、财政转移支付制度有待进一步完善、“以县为主”管理体制遭遇尴尬、政府责任转嫁倾向在一定程度上存在、教育事权与财权分离的弊端凸显等,义务教育投入问题,仍然是制约我国农村教育发展的瓶颈。为此,有效建构税费改革后农村义务教育投入保障机制迫在眉睫。
关键词 税费改革 农村义务教育 教育投入 保障机制
ABSTRACT :After launching the rural tax reform, the investment in the compulsory education in the countryside of China is under tremendous pressure, such as the pressure of the shortage of education funds after canceling the two kinds of fees, the pressure of rebuilding the shabby teaching buildings, the pressure of paying back the education debt, the pressure of smoothly pulling through the peak of students'' entrance to junior middle school, the pressure of further development of education in the countryside and so on. That is to say, the compulsory education in the countryside of China is on the historical and critical moment. In all the provinces, where the reform is being tried, especially in Hunan although the government have decided to work hard at it and have also made a series of measures and have even settled a lot of problems, and have somehow lightened the pressure of education funds, but the problems still exist and we mustn''t neglect them, such as the shortage of education funds is still serious, the systems of finance''s transfer payment needs to be improved further, the management system “Charged by county” is in an awkward position, the government is somehow tending to shift its responsibility on to the others, the disadvantages of the separation of the right of education affairs from education finance appear clearly and so on. The investment on compulsory education is still the key problem which restricts the development of education in our country. So it is extremely urgent to institute the guarantee mechanism of investment in compulsory education in the countryside.
In the ways of quoting works and investigation, this paper analyses the serious situation of the investment in compulsory education in the countryside, and also deeply analyses the practice and inquisition on the investment in compulsory education in the countryside in Hunan province after rural tax reform. This paper discusses the following four basic principles: principle of education equity, principle of nationalization of the investment subject, principle of both benefits and efficiency, principle of the unity of the right of education affairs and education finance. At the same time this paper raises some tactics of instituting the guarantee mechanism of the investment in compulsory education in the countryside. That is emphasizing the investment responsibility of government, especial the central government and the province government, probing the scientific finance''s transfer payment patterns, macro-regulating the constitute of education funds, strengthening both supervision of education investment and the systems of rewards and punishments, improving the efficiency of using education finance, perfecting the system of fiscal statutes of national education.
Key Words: the rural tax reform, compulsory education in the countryside, investment in education, guarantee mechanism
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