摘 要:现行高中教材中的化学实验存在许多污染问题,不利于培养学生的环保意识,也对师生的身体健康造成危害。在人们的环境保护观念日益增强的今天,实现化学实验绿色化变得非常紧迫。
Abstract :Currently, lots of pollution problems exist in the experiments involved in senior middle school chemical courses, which give bad influences on cultivating students’ environmental protecting spirit and cause damage to the health of both teachers and students. Nowadays, environment protection has been deeply rooted in people’s conception and received intensive attention, thus it is imperative for us to construct environment amicable methods for chemical experiments.
In order to make the chemical experiments environment amicable, two problems need to be solved at first, one is cultivating the students with environmental protecting spirit and another is reforming the current chemical experiments of senior middle school to annihilate the pollutions caused by these experiments. This thesis summarized the significances and the methods of cultivating students with environmental protecting spirit, investigated chemical experiments of the text book based on the repeated experiments and proposed a series of environment amicable schemes according to the green-chemistry principles, in addition, some experimental devices were originally designed to improve the current experimental methods and finally eliminate the experimental pollutions.
Poison gases emitted from the current experiments can only be ventilated into atmosphere via laboratory venting equipments which cost a lot and can not effectively eliminate the pollutions. We improved and originally designed experimental devices such as poison mask, assembled tubes and so on which can convert the poison gases into harmless therefore avoid the atmosphere contamination. These methods have already been applied in chemical experiments of the senior middle school providing teachers with beneficial examples. By means of the constantly improvement and optimization of the experimental methods, the experimental devices could be more safe and manageable. The employment of these methods can ameliorate the experiment conditions of the senior middle school, enhance the environmental protecting spirit of the students, improve the overall quality of the people and achieve the sustainable development of the society.
Key words: chemical experiments of senior middle school, environment amicable chemical experiment, experiment methods, experiment investigation
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