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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(73页46605字) 

摘 要:随着社会信息化的发展,信息素养日益成为信息社会公民素养不可或缺的组成部分。信息技术教育已经超越了单纯的计算机技术训练阶段,发展成为与信息社会人才需求相适应的信息素养教育。由于对信息技术课程的基本理念缺乏深入理解,计算机教育的那些思想观念依然存在于信息技术教学中,在目标、内容和方法上没有实质性转变。要改变这种现状, 应尝试探索信息技术课的新型教学模式,而基于项目的学习(PBL)就是其中的一种,本文选择了基于项目的学习模式在中学信息技术课程中的运用研究。


ABSTRACT :Information literacy is becoming an indispensable portion of the citizen''s literacy in information society with the development of social information day by day. IT education has already transcended simplex training period of computer technology and developed into information literacy education fitting in with the demands for talent in information society. By lack of profound comprehension of IT course''s fundamental philosophy, there are the concepts of computer education of IT; there is no substantive transition on the goal, content and method. To change this kind of actuality, the new-style teaching mode of IT course must be explored. The model of Project-based Learning (PBL) is regarded as an effective one. So, this thesis has selected and researched the mode of PBL, and has explored from two aspects of theory and practice.
The introduction of the thesis analyzes the current status of Chinese IT Education in Elementary and Middle School, the main problem existing in the teaching of IT course, the characteristics of IT course in Elementary and Middle School and the necessity to constructing new-style teaching mode of IT course. To promote student''s information literacy, what we should try to explore is how to improve the teaching quality of IT course. At present one of the main goals in the reform of IT teaching is to change the traditional teaching mode of regarding teacher as the center and construct the new-type teaching mode that can give play to the teacher''s leading role and can fully reflect student''s cognitive subject function as well. When bringing the mode of PBL into effect in IT teaching, the effect is promote student’s information literacy and train students'' cooperative ability.
Second part introduces PBL''s connotation, theoretical foundation, constitutional key element and operation flow. PBL is a new style Inquiry Learning model that regards studying and researching the concept and principle of discipline as the center, regards making the works and showing the works to others as the object, carries out the exploring activity through many kinds of resources in the true world, and solve a series of interrelated problems in a certain period. The theoretical foundations of PBL have mainly constructivism learning theory, Deavy’s pragmatism education theory and J.S.Bruner’s discovering theory. PBL is formed mainly by content, activity, condition, and result four major key elements. Six basic steps of PBL include: select a project, make a plan, explore necessary information, make works, exhibit the works, and evaluate the activity.
Third part designed firstly an IT teaching case of regarding community as topic with PBL. Based on the analysis of information literacy and cooperative ability, writer had designed practice plan, carried on the analysis to the experimental result, through the practice examination theory, drew the conclusion.
Then the part designed in the end the advantages when adopting PBL in IT teaching: promote information literacy and improve the cooperative ability. The part discusses the way that appraises study of students and teacher’s function, the questing of this research.
Teaching mode could effectively solve the practical problems in teaching only if chosen and used aptly according to the actual conditions. Teaching mode is not unalterable either. Teachers can optimize the teaching effect further when they revise and perfect available teaching modes in the course of studying and imitating and using them according to their new experience and grasped new theory.
Now the model of PBL has greater reference meaning for Elementary and Middle School of our country to launch Inquiry Learning and commence IT based integrated curriculum. It is worth our carrying on deep research.

Key words: Project-based Learning, Information Literacy, Cooperative Ability, Appraise

一、前 言

一、前 言1
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