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摘 要:在传媒支配下的当今世界,历史题材影视作品正以其视听综合、时空综合、艺术与技术综合的强劲优势,影响中学生对历史事件、历史人物等的评价,影响他们的思维定势,影响他们的历史观、人生观、和世界观的形成。然而,中学历史教学中对历史题材影视作品的运用尚处于初步探索阶段,许多中学历史教师的教学还停留在传统的“照本宣科”层面。面对历史题材影视作品的独特优势和影响,传统的中学历史教学显得苍白无力。
目前,历史题材影视作品对中学历史教学的影响已经到了无法回避的地步,主要表现在两方面:一是积极方面,优秀历史题材影视作品能激发中学生学习历史的兴趣,使学生好学、乐学,有利于中学生成就动机教育,有利于培养学生的历史思维能力和落实历史教学中的情感、态度与价值观教育,促进中学生的健康成长,推动中学历史教育的发展。二是消极方面,一些打着 “历史正剧”之名的“历史剧”,传播错误的历史事实,如史实错误、服饰穿帮、称谓错位,比比皆是;并且向观众宣扬消极的历史观、人生观和价值观,如宣扬皇权崇拜、人治思想、等级意识、裙带观念、权谋艺术、奴才意识等,严重毒害社会文化,受其危害,求知欲旺盛而思想尚未成熟的中学生首当其冲。这给中学历史教学带来极大的困难。
二是针对历史题材影视作品对中学生作正确地引导,教育学生批判性地接受。具体措施:(1)开设“影视历史剧赏析课”。这有利于提高中学生鉴赏历史剧的水平,提高他们的审美能力和批判性思维能力。中学教师应该帮助学生建构欣赏影视历史剧的知识和能力,以批判的态度,看待影视剧为追求“商业效应”而采取的种种手段,慎待“戏说”剧。学会从整体上把握“影视历史剧”,对其不可不信,也不可尽信,尤其要鼓励学生自己动手查阅史料,甄别判断影视剧情与真实历史的贴合度。 (2)辅导学生写影评。通过辅导学生写影评,使学生学会对电影价值标准作出正确的判断,对其中蕴涵的思想价值有所体会,有所阐述,有所发现,以提高学生的批判性思维能力和写作水平。


ABSTRACT :Nowadays media dominates the world and the showbiz works with some kinds of history themes have strong effects on middle school students. Those sorts of chronicle plays use their predominance of seeing and hearing integration, space-time integration, also their art and technique integration, affecting the students’ appraise towards historic events and characters, ways of thinking. Students’ philosophy, Weltanschauung and values would shaped by history-themed television drama, too. But at present, high school history teaching still stays at the phase of elementary exploration. Many teachers still rest on the traditional way of teaching, which is “murder the line”. Traditional way of history teaching makes itself weaken and incapacity when confronting the influence of chronicle plays.
We cannot ignore the influences that chronicle plays had made to students. The influences can be divided into two major aspects: one is the positive aspect and the other is the negative one. The positive aspect is that excellent history-drama can inspire the students’ interesting to learn history. More important, make them willing to learn and happy to learn. This kind of play has another merit that it in favor of students to achieve their motivational education, cultivate their history ideation, carry out the emotion, attitude and values during the history teaching. Thus the middle school students would grow up healthy and the history education in middle school would develop smoothly. The negative aspect is that some chronicle plays wear the clothes of “official history plays” and promulgate the ill-natured history reality. In the opinions of those directors who have already wonted to do business speculations, “history becomes a girl that can be dressed up arbitrarily.” Therefore, errors in historical fact, exposes in clothes, displaced in appellation and etc. can be found everywhere. The most unendurable are their history views and values. These chronicle plays exert a subtle influence on the audience, propagating the passive philosophy and values barely. For instance, they promulgate the adoration of imperial power, abuse of political rule, class-consciousness, nepotism, the art of power, the consciousness of flunky and so on. This passive view is completely opposite to the socialism morality “ Eight Do’s and Don’ts ” which brought forward by our chairman Hu Jingtao in March 2006. Suffering from such kind of persecution, middle school students always stand in the breach. It also brings infinite difficulties to middle school history teaching.
Facing these serious problems, we middle school history teachers should take the following countermeasures actively instead of eviting them passively.
Ⅰ. We can unearth the television play resource of middle school history teaching and establish a data bank contains middle school history teaching plays. All of these measures can provide abundant course resources for middle school history teaching.
Ⅱ. Start the course of “ appreciation of chronicle plays”, that can improve the students’ abilities of appreciation towards chronicle plays and also improve their abilities of taste and critical thinking. Teachers should make use of every opportunity when teaching history and help students build a correct consciousness to the chronicle plays. Students should appreciate the plays with the attitudes of watch, analysis, appreciation and animadversion. Teacher’s responsibility also lies in the aspect that he must make his students understand the artifices taken by directors in the purpose of commercial benefits, especially be careful about some kind of fabricative plays. Try to grasp the chronicle plays in a whole view and trust it in an appropriate degree. It is beneficial that teacher would encourage students to consult the historic materials by themselves, and discriminating the chronicle plays from real history.
Ⅲ. Introduce some excellent chronicle plays into class. Einstein said, “Interest is the best teacher of study.” Fernand Braudel, in his monumental work A History of Civilizations said, “ The basic principle of history teaching is produce interesting to the students and endow history with exciting characteristic, making history always interesting.” The appropriately using of excellent chronicle plays in history class would arouse the students’ learning interest and make them enjoy in studying history.
Ⅳ. Develop researchable study on the theme of chronicle plays. By developing purposeful and planned researchable activities, the students can primarily learn scientific and researchable ways, bring up the abilities of analyzing questions and solving questions with acquirable knowledge, and build up scientific spirit, develop individual advantages. We shall bring up students’ creativity consciousness and the ability of working with each other and joining social practice. Make students learn to acquire knowledge, learn to handle affairs, learn to coexist, learn to behave.
Ⅴ. Teach students how to do film review. By film review, students can learn to make a proper judgment to the films’ value standard, can taste, expatiate on, and find the value of the internal thought. The final aim is to improve students’ critical ideation and writing skill.
There is a saying, well begun is half done. The author believes that as long as we find out the key problems and integrate the feature of history subject with psychology of students, we would reach that kind of achievement. And also, the appropriately using of excellent chronicle plays in history teaching will make history class lively and interesting.

KEY WORDS: middle school history teaching, chronicle plays, historiography of television plays, influence, countermeasure

引 言
近二十多年来,历史题材作品成为影视创作人员极感兴趣的领域,有些作品也受到广大观众的喜爱,这是一个应当肯定的文化现象。关于历史题材影视作品的讨论,早在20世纪60年代就已经开展,主要在文学艺术界和史学界之间展开。“讨论的本质问题,就是历史题材的影视作品是否应该尊重基本的历史事实?——这是史学界提出的问题。艺术作品不是历史著作,更不是历史教课书,不应该用历史学的标准要求它。——这是文学艺术界所持观点。”优秀的历史影视作品在传播历史知识、增强民族凝聚力、培养爱国情感和塑造中学生人格等方面起着非常重要的积极作用。然而,“非常遗憾的是,诸多历史剧,没有不出错的。不是人物张冠李戴,就是典章制度上古今混淆,要么就是无中生有,把古人编排得乱七八糟,凡此种种,怎一个错字了得!” 这类影视作品祸害匪浅,中学生首当其冲。

摘 要………………………………………………………………01
引 言………………………………………………………………09
结 语………………………………………………………………35
注 释………………………………………………………………36
附 录………………………………………………………………41
致 谢………………………………………………………………46
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[21]:教育部.《关于运用优秀影视片在全国中小学开展爱国主义教育的通知》[Z]. /2005-12-26 09:58:12 

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