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摘 要:由于英语越来越成为国际化语言,在我们国家兴起了一股学英语的热潮。加之《新课程标准》的颁布与实施,在初中英语教学领域出现了许多新的难题。怎样使教学更加有效,并且让孩子们带着浓厚的兴趣去学英语,是我们英语教师目前面临的具有挑战性的问题。本研究旨在解决这一问题。实践证明,在课堂上使用英语教学能够促进英语学习。


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background: New Curriculum Reform

As English becomes more and more accepted as an international language, it is increasingly emphasized in the middle school teaching. The Ministry of Education has promulgated the New English Curriculum Standards. Since the first year of the new century, the students in schools have had the opportunities to use the new textbooks, which are the new century''s gifts given to them. But what should the teachers do to adapt to the new textbooks? Should they change their teaching methods?
It is well-known that education in our country has been influenced by the deep-rooted examination-oriented system for a long time. A teacher-centered class is a typical traditional passive class. Such traditional English teaching fails to develop the comprehensive competence after over ten-year English learning. As a result, the English learners cannot use English as a tool to communicate with foreigners. Therefore, the old teaching model should be reformed.
In New English Curriculum Standard, the task for English curriculum is described like this: …to arouse the students’ interest in English learning and develop the positive attitude towards English learning so as to build the confidence in English learning. The present study tries to achieve this goal, which may be of help to improve the quality of English teaching.
How can we help students learn in such a challenging situation? Schools are crucial to students’ learning. English teachers should feel responsible for promoting its effective teaching. However, too many of them focus students’ most attention on grammatical structures, and on practice in isolation; too many of classroom activities are based on teacher-talk and student-listen routines. Teaching in such a way cannot lead students to develop interest in learning English. These phenomena in language class attract more attention from educators home and abroad recently. It is quite important to select suitable approaches to teach the primary learners. For the most part, a teacher must use his or her creativity and experience to get students involved and interested in learning. Bring in creative ideas and implementing them in EFL classroom can motivate students and make teaching more fun. It has been found that one appropriate strategy to encourage language acquisition is using English songs. Many scholars agree that songs in the language classroom have been considered a better way to arouse the interest of the children; to create a learning environment; to strengthen listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills; to increase vocabulary; and to expand cultural knowledge. So do the English teachers. More and more teachers begin to carry out this method. They have realized its advantages: the ability to capture students’ attention; lower students stress.

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Literature Review
Chapter 3 Methodology
Chapter 4 Data Analysis
Chapter 5 Application in Language Classroom
Chapter 6 Conclusion
1. Abbott, M. (2002) Using Music to Promote L2 Learning Among Adult Learners. TESOL Journal VOL. NO. 1 Spring. (P10-17)
2. Adamowski, E. (1997) The ESL songbook. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
3. Bechtold, J. (1983) Musical ESL. TESL Talk, 14, 180-184
4. Bell, D. (1999) Raise, Sally, Raise: Communication Through Dance. TESOL Journal 8 (1), P27-31
5. Biggs, J. (1995) Motivating learning. In J. Biggs & D. Watkins (Eda), Classroom learning. Singapore: Prentice Hall
6. Cao, C. (1997) Warm up activities for Freshman Intensive Reading ELI Teaching September
7. Cheung, C.K. (2001). The use of popular culture as a stimulus to motivate secondary students English learning in Hong Kong. ELT Journal, 55/1:55-61
8. Colon-Vila, L. (1997) Storytelling in a Multi-Age Classroom Helps Bridge Language Barriers Teaching PreK-8 27 (5) P58-60
9. Domoney, L. & Harris, S. (1993) Justified and ancient: Pop music in EFL classroom ELT Journal, 47, 234-241
10. Dougill, J. (1994, November) Culture and communication (selected papers from JALT Kansai Conference, Kyoto, Japan)
11. DeCharms, R. (1968) Personal Causation. New York: Academic Press
12. Eken, D.K. (1996) Ideas for using songs in the English language classroom. English Teaching Forum, 34 (1), 46-47
13. Ellis, Rod. (2003) Second Language Acquisition上海外语教育出版社
14. Gasser, M, and E. Waidman. Using Songs and Games in the ESL Classroom. In Teaching Methods. P49-51
15. Gatbonton, E., & Segalowitz, N. (1988) Creative automatization: Principles for promoting fluency within a communicative framework. TESOL Quarterly, 22, P473-492
16. Griffee, D.T. (1990). Hey baby! Teaching short and slow songs in the ESL classroom. TESL Reporter, 23 (4), 3-8
17. Gugliemino, L. M. (1986) The affective edge: Using songs and music in ESL instruction. Adult Literacy and Basic Education, 10, 19-26
18. Hadfield, J. (1985) Elementary Communication Games: A Collection of Games and Activities for Elementary Students of English. Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd.
19. Harmer, J. (1991) The practice of English Language Teaching: Longman Handbook for Language Teaching. Harlow: Longman
20. Johnson, T. D., and D. Lowis. (1987) Literacy Through Literature. Heinemaun
21. Krashen, S.D. (1982). Principles and practice in second language acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon Press
22. Lems, K. (1996). For a song: Music across the ESL curriculum 人民教育出版社 外语教学与研究出版社 剑桥大学出版社
23. Little, J. (1983) Pop and rock music in the ESL classroom. TESL Talk, 14, 40-44
24. Marsh, J. &Millard, E. (2000) Literacy AND popular Culture: Using children’s culture in the classroom. London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd.
25. Marsland, B. Lessons From Nothing人民教育出版社 外语教学与研究出版社 剑桥大学出版社
26. Monreal, M.E. (1982) How I use songs. English teaching Forum, 20, 44-45
27. Morgan, J. and M. Rinvolucri. (1983) Once Upon a Time: Using Stories in the Language Classroom Cambridge University Press,
28. Moriya, Y. (1988). English speech rhythm and its teaching to non-native speakers TESOL, Chicago. (ED No. 396524)
29. Murphey, T. (1992). The discourse of pop songs. TESOL Quarterly, 26 (4), &&0-774
30. Newhan, P. (1995-1996) Making s song and dance: The musical voice of language. The Journal of Imagination in Language Learning. 3. P66-74
31. Plittsch, A. (1997) Music+ Song= Authentic listening in the language classroom Der Fremdsprachiche Unterricht English.1/1997.3-13
32. Premach, D. (1965) Reinforcement theory. In D. Levine (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Vol.13. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press
33. Saricoban, A. & Metin, E. (October 2000) Songs, Verse and Games for Teaching Grammar. The Internet TESL Journal
34. Scrivener, J. Learning Teaching---A Guidebook for English Language Teachers Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press
35. Turner, K.H. (1998) Prize for Motivation and Mini-lessons. TESOL Journal 7 (3), P42.
36. Wells, Joel and Walker, Liesl (2001) Songs in the TEFL Classroom Teacher’s Edition Issue, March,
37. Widdowon, H. (1978). Teaching Language as Communication. London: Longman
38. Wisniewska, I. (1998). Using Games to Get Feedback. TESOL Journal 7 (6) P P38-39
39.Wright, A., D, Betteridge, and M. Buckby. (1984) Games for Language Learning. Cambridge University Press
40. 丁言仁(Ding Yanren)(2004)《第二语言习得研究与外语学习》,上海外语教育出版社
41. 王笃勤(Wang Duqin) (2004)《英语教学策略论》,Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
42. 文秋芳(Wen Qiufang)(2004)《英语学习的成功之路》,上海外语教育出版社
43. 李如密(Li Rumi) (2003)《教学艺术论》,山东教育出版社

In this research, I adopted such methods as interview, questionnaire, and experiment and classroom observation to investigate the effectiveness of song-teaching approach in English teaching. The results of the research show that songs can be applied in language classroom from psychological, linguistic and cultural points of view. The students show their positive attitude towards language learning.
However, some teachers think singing songs in class is a waste of time and prefer not to use it. Many experienced textbook and methodology manual writers have argued that songs are not just time-filling activities, but have a great educational value. Most songs make the learners use the language instead of thinking about learning the correct forms.
The teachers need to assess how to use songs appropriately in the classroom. It is important to choose an appropriate time and proper types of teaching songs. It depends on the purpose for that particular lesson and needs to be determined by looking at the attributes of the song itself. The goal may be teaching the interesting or unusual vocabulary of a song. If the emphasis is the culture of the song, then teaching culture would be the focus. Leading-in a class by singing a song that is linked to the topic is a good way to begin a class. Working on pronunciation with certain songs has value, too. Singing for pure pleasure is also valid.
However, because of the limitations of the syllabus, songs cannot be used as much as they should be. Therefore, it may be challenging for teachers to try to add some songs in class in order to develop students’ English proficiency of the target language. To arouse the students’ interest is the first point in language teaching. Furthermore, how to sustain the interest is the key for language teaching. The language teachers should realize the challenging they are facing.
“Language is used to communicate. Children increase their ability to use language by using it. …Children do not increase their ability to use language by being taught about language.” (Johnson, p.1) when attention is given exclusively to the mechanics of reading and writing, language becomes meaningless. Let’s strive to make our classroom a place of learning that not only motivates students to participate, but is downright fun in the process.
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