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研究戏剧文学教学能帮助我们进一步审视语文教育功能观和质量观。 语文教育主要的不是培养学生的科学素养,而是培养学生的人文精神。人文关怀是戏剧文学教学的终极目标,人格建构是戏剧文学教学的价值取向,戏剧文学教学以文化人的功能,正是语文教育功能的集中体现。按照传统的语文教学质量观评判戏剧文学教学,往往失之偏颇 。教学管理者用模糊的而非精确的质量标准考查戏剧文学教学,能使师生解放思想,大胆创新;能活化课堂,真正让学习过程变成研读文本、品味人生、净化灵魂、弘扬人性的生命历程。教学目标的民主化、多元化、长效化是确立新的戏剧文学教学质量观的重要前提。
关键词:戏剧文学 教学 理论 实践

Abstract :Play is through artistic essential factors and so on the literature, music, dance, drawing portrays the character image, the development society style, transmission humanities spirit comprehensive art.Under the new curriculum idea middle school play literature teaching should be take reads the ancient and modern in China and abroad each kind of play literary work (including film and television script) as the main form, take savors, the connoisseurship and the performance and so on as the method, makes the student to understand the play literature the rich connotation, promotes the language pedagogical activity which its language accomplishment and the character building enhance unceasingly.This article analyzed and has discussed the middle school play literature teaching present situation and the significance, the theory basis, the related strategy and did the educational model, how to optimize the play literature teaching to carry on the creative design.
First, play literature teaching significance and value.
The research play literature teaching can help us further to carefully examine the language education function view and the quality view. The language education main raises student''s scientific accomplishment, but raises student''s humanities spirit.The humanities concern is the play literature teaching ultimate objective, the personality construction is the play literature teaching value orientation, the play literature teaching by cultural worker''s function, is precisely the language education function centralism manifests.According to the traditional language quality of teaching view judgment play literature teaching, often loses biased.But teaching superintendent with fuzzy non-precise quality specification examination play literature teaching, can cause the teachers and students to emancipate the mind, bold innovation; Can activate the classroom, lets the study process turn truly reads the text, savors the life, the purification soul, brings honor to the human nature life course.The teaching goal democratization, the multiplication, the persistent effect is establishes the new play literature quality of teaching view the important premise.
The research play literature teaching is helpful to the full use curriculum resources, improves teacher''s and student''s comprehensive quality.The research play literature teaching proposed to teacher''s specialized accomplishment and the artistic tutelage a higher request, this eagerly anticipates the language teacher even more to pay attention to own career development inevitably, meets the modern literature teaching need.Develops the play literature teaching effectively, can urge the teacher to enhance the character building and the theory accomplishment and the specialized level on own initiative.The play literature teaching and the research may become the teacher growth and the development post exercises the platform.Not only optimized play literature teaching, student test benefit, moreover profits life-long, because the strong literature accumulated with the cultural inside story strengthens the student to take an examination ability, hit the firm student''s life foundation, became the student to climb the cultural foundation and the life steps and ladders which the life peak non-might substitute.
The research play literature teaching is helpful to the construction new language classroom instruction pattern.The research middle school play literature teaching is implements the new curriculum to reform, specially the language curriculum educational reform inevitably request, is carries out the language educational model innovation, the development and enhances the teachers and students using the curriculum resources to synthesize the quality to need together, this also is the play literature teaching research value is at.
Second, play literature teaching idea and strategy.
The play literature teaching thought must liberate, the idea must renew.Take grasps the knowledge and the training takes an examination ability as the goal, take explains as the main method play literature teaching, cannot meet student''s development needs well.True high quality, highly effective play literature teaching, needs in above the foothold text foundation, through the bold innovation tradition language educational model, the innovation class and teaches the law, forms take experiences and the activity as the main characteristic open style educational model, eagerly anticipates the student to understand the play literary arts rule, influences the sentiment, the beautified mind.The play literature teaching limits not merely to the play text, carries on not merely from the text study angle to the play work sets at variance, cannot satisfy teaching processes and so on analysis background, play conflict, structure, but also must develop play literature itself to nurture the human function, nourishes human''s altitude from the article, exerts oneself the display outstanding play literary work to shock and to mold the student soul the function, improves student''s comprehensive quality and ability.
The play literature teaching in midlle school should establish the following may play literature teaching view: Take joyfully with America sense as the goal play literature teaching view; Take purifies as the goal play literature teaching view; Take converses and the exchange as the goal play literature teaching view; Take appreciates as the method play literature teaching view; Take performs as the method play literature teaching view; Take develops the research as the method play literature teaching view.
The effective teaching strategy including following content: Esthetic strategy; Explains the strategy; Experience imitation strategy; Involvement cooperation strategy.
Third, play literature teaching basic pattern.
The play literature teaching basic pattern is: The appreciation type, writes and stages the type, the research type.
The play literature teaching practice indicated that,Any kind of educational model all not impossible is perfect.The new play literature teaching needs to inherit the tradition educational model the fine tradition, meanwhile must renew the teaching idea unceasingly, consummates the innovation educational model, can complete the play literature teaching well, can satisfy the student growth and the need to develop well.

Key word: Play literature teaching theory practice

引 言
长期以来,科学主义和工具论占据了语文教学的主导地位,高考和中考又在很大程度上暗淡了语文学科的人文主义光芒。文学教育在语文教学中没有得到应有的重视,一句“不要把语文课教成文学课” 的教条式结论,几乎把文学教育打入冷宫,戏剧文学教学更是地位尴尬,甚至形同虚设。曹明海教授认为:“语文教育是陶冶人性,促进生命个体总体生成的文化过程。”新课程标准表明:“语文是最重要的交际工具,是人类文化的重要组成部分,工具性与人文性的统一,是语文课程的基本特点。”“语文教学应致力于学生语文素养的形成与发展。” “语文课程还应重视提高学生的品德修养和审美情趣,使他们逐步形成良好的个性和健全的人格,促进其德、智、体、美和谐发展。”可见,作为语文教育主体的文学作品的教学,有助于学生形成良好的语文素养和健全人格,而作为戏剧文学教学,它同诗歌、小说、散文教学一样,也是帮助学生形成语文素养,促进其生命成长的重要手段,是不可或缺的精神食粮,也是无可替代的。鉴于中学戏剧文学教学与研究倍受冷落的现状,研究戏剧文学教学的问题、策略与模式,具有较高的理论意义和实践价值。

引 言…………………………………………………………………………………1
结 语………………………………………………………………………………41
参考文献……………………………………………………………………………… 44
攻读学位期间发表的学术论文 …………………………………………………… 47
后记 ……………………………………………………………………………………48
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