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摘 要:师生关系是开展教学活动的基础和前提。新英语课程标准倡导使用任务型的教学途径。开展任务型的教学活动,离不开师生合作和生生合作。
本研究的对象是来自青海省乐都县第一中学的四名英语教师(三男一女)和他们所任教的6个班级的100 名学生(女生52,男生48)。本研究的信息主要是通过师生问卷和访谈获取的。学生的问卷和老师的问卷都是一一对应的,以便进行对比。俩份问卷都由两部分构成。第一部分包含35个问题,对每一个问题要求调查对象在所给的四个选项中选出一个答案,并做出说明。第二部分只有一个问题,是一个开放性的问题,要求调查对象在所给的35个选项中选出5个答案。如果他们认为这些选项不合适,他们也可以写上自己的观点。
本文对调查对象对问卷选项的回答进行了统计,并加以分析和探讨。对有些问题以访谈的形式做了进一步的了解。对有些问题在文献综述和讨论中做了理论上的分析。本研究发现:1 当前中学英语教学中师生合作的现状不尽如人意,高达94%的调查学生认为他们的英语老师让他们感到敬畏,39%的学生不积极参加课堂教学中的英语活动。2 绝大多数参与调查的师生都认为良好的师生关系和师生合作有利于学生的英语学习;3 年龄、性别、自信和学业成绩等多种因素影响了师生之间的交流和合作;4 大多数受调查的教师还没有采用任务型的教学方式,课堂教学改革进展缓慢。
针对这种情况,本文探讨了一些促进师生合作和英语教学的可能的方法。作者从三个方面探讨了这个问题。1实现师生的情感合作。(1)教师要通过加强自身的素质和开展与学生的教育性交往来培养良好的师生关系;(2)在课堂上教师要通过言语和非言语行为,以及发掘教材中的情感因素来激发学生的情感。2实现师生的认识合作。(1) 教师要转变传统的师生观。要把学生看成是认识和活动的主体,以确保他们积极参与教学活动。(2)教师要了解学生的思维特点。要学会“移情”,即:以学生的角度来设计课堂教学。3实现师生的课内外的教学活动合作。(1)在进行教学活动前,教师可以和学生商讨该活动的内容和方式。(2)在活动中,教师要指导、帮助并参加学生的活动。(3)活动后,教师要和学生一起评价该活动,收集学生的反馈,以改进教学活动。


Abstract: The relationship between teachers and students is the foundation and precondition of carrying out teaching activities. The new curriculum standard calls for co-operative learning through task-based approach. It is impossible to carry out the learning activities or tasks without co-operation, which include the co-operation between teachers and students as well as the co-operation among students.
Co-operative learning has been a hot issue since it appeared in 1970s in the USA. Most of the researches concerned with co-operative learning focus on the co-operative learning among students in the form of groups. Few researches have been done on the co-operation between teachers and students. Some of the few researches (Cui Wengjun, 2004; Zhong, Haiou, 2001; ect.) discussed the effective and cognitive co-operation between teachers and students in general, but they neglected the practical co-operation between teachers and students while carrying out “tasks” in middle school English teaching. This study, in the descriptive way combined with quantitative method is to research into, from the viewpoint of the co-operation between teachers and students, the following questions: 1 what are the present situation of the relationship and co-operation between teachers and students in middle school English teaching? 2 Is there any relationship between students’ academic achievement and the co-operation between teachers and students? 3 What are the factors that impede the co-operation between teachers and students? 4 What are some of the possible ways of improving the co-operation between teachers and students?
The subjects in this study were 100 senior two students (52 girls, 48 boys) from 6 classes in Ledu No.1 middle school of Qinghai province and the 4 teachers (one woman teacher) who teach them English. The information that forms the core of the study was obtained by means of two survey instruments: students’ and teachers’ questionnaires as well as interview with them. The students’ questionnaire echoes with that of the teachers so that their answers can be compared and contrasted. Both of the questionnaires consist of two parts. The first part includes 35 questions. For each of them the subjects are supposed to choose one answer out of the four given answers. The second part actually is an open-ended question for which the subjects are supposed to choose five answers out of the 35 answers given, and if the subjects think these answers are not suitable, they can give their own answers.
The central quantitative findings from the survey are the perceptions of the four teachers and the students, which are summarized in tables. Critical analysis is made based on the perceptions held by the subjects. For some of the questions a further discuss was held through interviews with the subjects as well as the theoretical perspectives of a literature review. This study found: 1 the present situation of the co-operation and relationship between teachers and students in middles school English teaching is not satisfying as 94% of the surveyed students feel that their English teachers are awful and 39% of the students do not take an active part in the activities in English classes. 2 Most the surveyed teachers and students agree that students can benefit from a good relationship with their English teachers in English learning. 3 A variety of factors such as age, gender, confidence, learning achievements and so on impede the communication and co-operation between teachers and students. 4 Most of the surveyed teachers have not adopted the task-based approach, and the reform of English teaching goes on slowly.
In accordance with this situation, the author put forward some of the possible ways of improving the co-operation between teachers and students so as to improve English teaching and learning in middle schools. The paper discussed the possibility in the following three ways: 1 to realize the emotional co-operation: (1) teachers should establish good relationship with students by improving their own qualities and having more educative communication with students;(2) Teachers should inspire students’ emotion in class with positive emotion through verbal and non-verbal behaviors. (3) Teachers should excavate the affective factors in the texts to light the students’ emotion. 2 To realize the cognitive co-operation: (1) teachers should convert their outlook of students, regarding them as the subjects of cognition and activity to ensure they take an active part in teaching activities;(2) Teachers should understand students’ thinking characteristics. Teachers should learn to empathy, i.e. they should plan a lesson in the view of a student. 3 To realize co-operation in teaching activities in and after class. (1) Before the activity, the teachers may negotiate with students the contents of the activity and the way to carry out the activity. (2) During the activity, the teacher may direct, help and participate. (3) After the activity, the teachers may evaluate it together with the students and collect students’ feedback so as to do it better.

Key words: relationship, co-operation, humanism, emotion, cognition, activity

Chapter 1 Introduction

Teaching system is just like a polygon, which is made up of the relationship between teachers and students, textbooks, teaching methods, teaching instruments and so on. However, among them the relationship between teachers and students is the foundation and precondition of carrying out teaching activities. The so-called relationship between teachers and students refers to the interrelationship between teachers and students that is formed during the process of teaching, which includes mutual position, function, and the attitudes toward each other and so on. It is the most fundamental social interaction in the school environment. It is of great importance for the development of students’ personality, social ability and creativity. Meanwhile, it is also of great significance for developing teachers’ joyfulness and feeling of achievement in their work. Surely it has great effect on realizing the due teaching process and target. The new round of curriculum reform is a profound evolution in the education field in China. Establishing an equal relationship between teachers and students is the necessary condition to carry out the task. Therefore, we must pay full attention to constructing a democratic, equal and harmonious relationship between teachers and students, which will be realized through teachers and students intercommunication.

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Literature Review
Chapter 3 Method
Chapter 4 Results and Analysis
Chapter 5 Improving Teachers and Students’ Co-operation
Chapter 6 Conclusion
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This study, from the view of the co-operation between teachers and students, focuses on some aspects of the present situation of English teaching in the middles schools in Ledu county, Qinghai province. First, the author looked back at some of the relevant researches the co-operation between teachers and students in English teaching, then discussed the theoretical foundation for teachers and students’ co-operation as well as the development of it, and then, in the form of questionnaire, the author made a survey among 100 senior middle school students and their 4 English teachers. Finally, using the qualitative method combined with the quantitative method, the author studied and analyzed the results of the survey and made the following findings: 1 The present situation of the co-operation between teachers and students in middle school English teaching is not so satisfying as 34% students do not think that they have good relationship with their English teachers and 94% of the students think that their English teachers are awful. 2 Most of the students and all the four teachers agree that there is certain co-relationship between students’ English learning achievement and the co-operation between teachers and students, because all the four teachers and 72% of the students agree that teachers and students relationship plays a very important role in English learning. 3) A variety of factors such as generation gap, lack of confidence, gender, poor learning achievement and so on impede the communication and co-operation between teachers and students in English teaching and learning. 4) Most of the English teachers have not adopted the task-based approach for they think it a waste of time to carry on activities in English class.
In accordance with these problems, the authors put forward some possible ways of improving the co-operation between teachers and students to make English teaching and learning more effective. The paper discussed the possibility in the following three ways: 1) to realize the teachers and students’ emotional co-operation. 2) To realize the teachers and students’ cognitional co-operation. 3) To realize the teachers and students’ co-operation through teaching activities in and after class.
However, carrying out the co-operation between teachers and students in middle school English teaching is easier said than done in practice since most of the teachers take the “teacher-centered” method for granted. The key point is that all the English teachers should change their teaching conceptions, convert their outlook of students and adopt the new teaching method so as to make English teaching more efficient.
By carrying out such a research, I myself have benefited a lot from if. First, I began to know how to carry out a research on daily English teaching. Second, I became aware of the true situation of English teaching in middle schools and the problems in our daily teaching, and also I find out what makes a popular English teacher to students, all of which will be of great importance in my teaching.
However, due to the limitation of time and the small amount of the subjects, especially the amount of the surveyed teachers, the results of the study may just reflect the facts in the county where I am teaching with a low validity. Anyway, it is just an attempt of “action research” for the author, and if it will be of some help and use for other English teachers in middle schools, the author will feel greatly honored.
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