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摘要:本研究是把建构主义理论应用到职业学院英语口语课堂教学中的实证研究, 旨在尝试为职业学院英语口语教学寻求新的有效方法。本研究在文献综述的基础上提出了以建构主义理论为基础的大学英语口语课堂教学的框架。然后,选取了两组学生作为被试对象,进行了为期一个学期的实验。实验组采用建构主义英语口语课堂教学而控制组则用传统的口语教学,并对两组分别进行了口语能力的前测和后测。实验后,独立样本T 检验和配对样本T检验(P<0.05)分别表明一学期后实验组学生英语口语成绩明显高于控制组,并且与学期初相比有明显进步,但控制组学生的口语水平却没有显著提高。本研究结合问卷调查、课堂实录和采访等形式,经过讨论最后得出如下结论:建构主义英语口语课堂教学能够提高职业学院学生学习英语的兴趣和信心,并有利于学生的课堂交流互动和协作,进而促进学生的批判性思维、创造性思维、意义建构和语言产出能力的发展。


Abstract :The present research is an empirical study of the application of constructivist theory in vocational college oral English classroom teaching in an attempt to explore a new oral English teaching method for vocational college. The researcher proposed a constructivist-based college oral English classroom teaching framework based on the literature review. Then, a semester-long empirical experiment was conducted in two groups, one of which served as the experimental group where the constructivist-based oral English classroom teaching was put into practice, and another of which served as the control group that was instructed with the traditional teaching method.
The pre-test and post-test on oral English proficiency were employed in both groups. The results of independent and paired-samples T-test (p<0.05) respectively revealed that after one semester’s oral English classroom teaching, the experimental group students’ oral English not only significantly exceeded that of the control group but also made their own significant progress compared with the beginning of the semester. However, the control group did not make much progress. Then a discussion is made based on the statistical data derived from the experiment and the data collected from questionnaires, classroom observations and interviews. Finally a conclusion is drawn: constructivist-based oral English classroom teaching can promote vocational college students’ interest and confidence in English learning and is supportive for students’ communicative interaction and collaboration, thereby facilitating critical thinking, creative thinking, meaning construction and language production.

Key words: Constructivist theory; oral English classroom teaching; meaning construction; interactive collaboration; critical thinking

Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Rationales for the present research
Vocational college education, as an important component of higher education, is more and more popular. Particularly, the vocational college English teaching has enjoyed its flourish in recent years since the college-level practical English talents are badly needed with the rapid development of China. In order to standardize the HVTE (Higher Vocational-technical Education) English teaching all over China, the Ministry of Education issued the Basic Requirements for HVTE English Course in 2000. According to this Basic Requirements, HVTE English Course aims to develop in students the practical use of English as the Requirements state:

Language is a tool for communication; the ultimate goal of language teaching is to develop students’ ability to communicate in the language through both speaking and writing. [the researcher’s translation]
(Ministry of Education, 2000: Basic Requirements)

Abstract in ChineseI
Table of ContentsIII
List of Figures and TablesV
Chapter One Introduction1
1.1 Rationales for the present research1
1.2 Aims of the present research5
1.3 Methodology of the present research6
1.4 Organization of the thesis6
Chapter Two Literature Review7
2.1 Constructivism7
2.1.1 Interpretation of Constructivism7
2.1.2 Philosophical basis of Constructivism8
2.1.3 Psychological basis of Constructivism12
2.2 Constructivist perspectives on theory of TEFL16
2.2.1 Criticisms of Behaviourism16
2.2.2 Development of Cognitive theory17
2.2.3 Role of Input and Output20
2.2.4 Coherence with Interactionists Position21
2.3 Relevant studies on application of Constructivism23
Chapter Three A Proposed Constructivist Framework of TEFL27
3.1 Guiding principles from Constructivism for TEFL27
3.1.1 Constructivist views on learners27
3.1.2 Constructivist views on teachers28
3.1.3 Constructivist views on tasks32
3.1.4 Constructivist views on contexts35
3.2 A design of the Proposed Framework of TEFL38
3.3 A sample lesson45
Chapter Four Empirical Study of the Proposed Framework49
4.1 Research design49
4.1.1 Participants49
4.1.2 Instruments49
4.1.3 Data collection52
4.2 Findings55
4.2.1 Spoken English tests55
4.2.2 Questionnaires61
4.2.3 Classroom observations69
4.2.4 Interviews72
Chapter Five Discussion74
5.1 Students’ interest and confidence74
5.2 Students’ real classroom participation77
5.3 Learner’s critical, creative thinking and interlanguage development81
5.4 Learner’s meaning construction and language production86
5.5 Students’ oral English achievement89
Chapter Six Conclusion and Implications92
6.1 Major findings of the research92
6.2 Major contributions of the research98
6.3 Limitations and further studies100
Appendix I Spoken English tests103
Appendix II Questionnaires for vocational college students108
Appendix III Rating scale of the CET-SET111
Appendix IV Data of students’ spoken English tests113
Appendix V Data of the questionnaires119

List of Figures and Tables

Figure 2. 1 Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs (1968,1970)10
Figure 2. 2 A general model of information processing (Carroll, 2000 p. 47)18

Figure 3. 1 Theme-centered interaction (Legutke & Thomas, 1991)35
Figure 3. 2 A social constructivist model of the teaching-learning process38
Figure 3. 3 A developed constructivist model of teaching39
Figure 3. 4 A proposed framework of constructivist-based oral English classroom teaching40

Table 4. 1 Independent T-test of scores in oral English proficiency pre-test (global scores)55
Table 4. 2 Independent T-test of scores in oral English proficiency post-test (global scores)56
Table 4. 3 Paired-samples T-test of scores in oral English proficiency pre- and post- tests (global scores)56
Table 4. 4 Independent T-test of scores in oral English proficiency pre-test (Accuracy & Range)57
Table 4. 5 Independent T-test of scores in oral English proficiency post-test (Accuracy & Range)57
Table 4. 6 Paired-samples T-test of scores in oral English proficiency pre- and post- tests (Accuracy & Range)57
Table 4. 7 Independent T-test of scores in oral English proficiency pre-test (Size and Discourse)58
Table 4. 8 Independent T-test of scores in oral English proficiency post-test (Size and Discourse)58
Table 4. 9 Paired-samples T-test of scores in oral English proficiency pre- and post- tests (Size and Discourse)59

Table 4. 10 Independent T-test of scores in oral proficiency pre-test (Flexibility & Appropriacy)59
Table 4. 11 Independent T-test of scores in oral proficiency post-test (Flexibility & Appropriacy)60
Table 4. 12 Paired-samples T-test of scores in oral English proficiency pre- and post- tests (Flexibility & Appropriacy)60
Table 4. 13 Results from the pre-questionnaire61
Table 4. 14 Students’ perspectives on their current conditions in oral English (Q1-Q6)62
Table 4. 15 Students’ perspectives on their participation (involvement) in oral English classroom teaching class (Q7-Q14)64
Table 4. 16 Students’ perspectives on their participation (involvement) in oral English classroom teaching class (Q15-Q23)64
Table 4. 17 Students’ perspectives on their participation (involvement) in oral English classroom teaching class (Q24-Q34)65
Table 4. 18 Students’ perspectives on the effect of current oral English classroom teaching (Q35-Q36)66
Table 4. 19 Students’ perspectives on the effect of current oral English classroom teaching (Q37-Q39)67
Table 4. 20 Students’ perspectives on the effect of current oral English classroom teaching (Q40-Q42)67
Table 4. 21 Students’ perspectives on the effect of current oral English classroom teaching (Q43-Q46)68
Table 4. 22 Students’ perspectives on the effect of current oral English classroom teaching (Q47-Q49)69
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