资料包括: 论文(65页20447字)
说明:摘 要:学生在英语学习中所犯的错误一直是困扰教师的问题之一。许多小学教师,虽然十分重视错误并且努力地“消灭”错误,但他们所依赖的仅限于感性经验。错误分析能够帮助解决这个问题,因而有其存在的理论和实际意义。
关键词: 错误分析;小学生;错误应对;教学对策
Abstract :Errors are one of the serious problems which puzzle many teachers. A lot of elementary school teachers, who take errors seriously and have been managing to eliminate them, merely rely on perceptual experiences to correct errors made by students. The analysis of errors can help solve this problem, so it is necessary to study the elementary school students’ errors for theoretical purpose and practical use.
The case study mainly tries to find out what errors students make in their compositions and what the sources of those errors are. Then some suggestions are put forward about how to treat the errors and what countermeasures to take.
In order to find out the answers to the questions, the errors made by elementary school students are collected and analyzed. From the analysis of the data gained from students’ compositions in the case study, it can be concluded that errors made by elementary school students mainly lie in vocabulary and sentences and the quantity of vocabulary errors is larger than that of sentence errors. Meanwhile, it is found that discourse errors are very small in quantity.
After having categorized the errors, the conclusion can be drawn that the majority source of the errors is the interlingual transfer. Intralingual interference ranks as the second source of the students’ errors. Also there are some errors made due to psychological factors, lack of cultural knowledge, improper use of communication strategies and ineffectiveness of teaching.
The problem of how the teachers should treat these errors is discussed after analyzing error sources. Some useful suggestions about what errors to correct, who ought to correct errors and how to correct errors are made. Some effective teaching countermeasures are also put forward. These countermeasures are mainly concern with how to reduce interlingual errors and intralingual errors. And enriching teaching contents is recommended, too.
Key Words: error analysis, elementary school students, error treatment,
Chapter One Introduction
Fang Hongjian, the hero of the famous novel Fortress Besieged, written by Qian Zhongshu, says that correcting students’ errors is just like washing clothes. Clothes are washed clean and they will get dirty again. Then they are washed again and become dirty soon. So he thinks that it’s meaningless to correct students’ errors. Is it really meaningless to do so? Of course not. Although some errors are unnecessary to correct, the others must be corrected in time. And errors are not “dirty clothes” but “colorful clothes”. Each type of errors just like a kind of color, has its own characteristic and source. The making of errors, just as Corder points out, “is a device the learner uses in order to learn. It is a way the learner has of testing his hypothesis about the nature of the language he is learning. The making of errors then is a strategy employed by children acquiring their mother tongue and by adults learning a second or foreign language” (Richards, 2000). So it ought to be analyzed carefully so as to improve teaching and learning.
目录:Abstract (in English)……………………………………………………………..…….i
Abstract (in Chinese)………………………………………………………………ii
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………….iv
Chapter One Introduction…..……………………………………………….…..1
1.1 Statement of objectives …………………………………………………….……1
1.2 Need for the study …………………………………………………….…………2
1.3 Limitation of the study……………………………………………………………..3
1.4 Means of obtaining data………………………………………………………….3
Chapter Two Literature Review …………………………………..…..4
2.1Theoretical background……………………………………………………4
2.1.1 Interlanguage Theory (IL)…………………………………………………4
2.1.2 Contrastive Analysis (CA)………………………………………………6
2.1.3 Error Analysis (EA) …………………………………………………………8
2.2 EA procedure…………………………………………………………………11
2.2.1 Collecting errors…………………………………………..…………….… 11
2.2.2 Identifying errors…………………………………………………………11
2.2.3 Describing errors…………………………………………….…………. .12
2.2.4 Explaining errors………………………………………………. ………..14
2.2.5 Evaluating errors…………………………………………..…….… …..….17
Chapter Three The Research and Analysis……………………..….……..…..18
3.1 Process of the research………………………………………………………….18
3.1.1 Objectives………………………………………………………………18
3.1.2 Subjects………………………………………………..…………………18
3.1.3 Materials……………………………………………………………….…18
3.1.4 Procedure…………………………………………………………………18
3.2 Errors collected in the research……………..…………………..………………..19
3.2.1 General situation………………………………………………………….19
3.2.2 Some examples……………………………………..…………… ………21
3.3 Analysis of the cause of errors……………….…………………..…………….29
3.3.1 General situation…………………………………………..………… …….29
3.3.2 Error sources..……………………………………………..…… ……….…30 Interlingual transfer………………………………..………………30 Intralingual interference……………………………..…………….33 Other reasons………………………………………..…… ……….35
Chapter Four Suggestions ……………………………..……………… …….….37
4.1 Error treatment …………………………………………..…………………….37
4.1.1 What errors to correct……………………………..…………….………37
4.1.2 Who to correct errors………………………….………..…….……… …..38
4.1.3 How to correct errors…………………………….……….…………… …39
4.2 Teaching countermeasures ………………………..………..……………………42
4.2.1 Reducing interlingual transfer…………………………………………….43
4.2.2 Reducing intralingual interference……………………………………44
4.2.3 Enriching teaching contents…………………………………………….45
Chapter Five Conclusion …………………………..………………….…47
Appendix …………………………………………………..…….…..51
References………………………………………………….…………….…… …..52
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作者点评:Errors of learners in second language learning are inevitable and they are not “failure” but a sort of learning strategy. It’s necessary to study errors in order to help not only teachers but also learners to improve the process of teaching and learning. Also the error analysis provides valuable information for the researchers to study the language learning process.
By studying the errors made by students in Grade Five at the elementary school, the questions which are raised at the beginning part of the paper can be answered now. The first question is about what errors these students often make in their English writing. From the analysis of the data gained from students’ compositions in the case study, it can be concluded that errors made by students in Grade Five at the elementary school mainly lie in vocabulary and sentences.
It can be found from the statistics that about one third of the sentences in their compositions contain errors in vocabulary and sentences and the quantity of vocabulary errors is larger than that of sentences errors in the compositions of students in Grade Five at the elementary school. It doesn’t mean that the subjects grasp sentences better than vocabulary. The reason is that the subjects are elementary school students and their knowledge about English grammar is less than that of English vocabulary. So they always write simple sentences and make fewer errors in sentence structures than in vocabulary.
Meanwhile there is a very small quantity of discourse errors because the students are elementary-level learners so that they can only express their ideas with simple sentences. Moreover, they are so concentrated on vocabulary and grammar that they ignore the organization of their compositions. And they know little about how to organize their compositions.
The errors made by the students are classified into different types in order to find the answer to the second question: What are the possible sources of the errors? After having categorized the errors, the conclusion is made that the majority source of the errors is the interlingual transfer, which corresponds with the previous research. According to Taylor, interlingual errors are often with language beginners and the students in Grade Five at my school have just learned English for about two years. So they can be regarded as language beginners and they make most errors because they rely much on their mother tongue.
Intralingual interference ranks as the second source of the students’ errors. Although the quantity of intralingual errors is smaller than that of interlingual errors, they should be paid enough attention for they are “developing errors”.
About one tenth of the errors is neither interlingual transfer nor intralingual interference. They are made because of psychological factors such as bad memory, nervousness, etc. Also there are errors made due to lack of cultural knowledge, improper use of communication strategies and ineffectiveness of teaching. Although these errors are relatively small in quantity, they should be noticed as well as interlingual transfer and intralingual interference.
The last two questions are that what treatments and countermeasures should be taken. According to my own teaching experience and research, the following suggestions are made:
1.Some of the errors must be corrected as they may hinder communications. Also errors made by most of the students should be pointed out by the teacher. Some minor errors such as incorrect handwriting ought to be corrected as well, because it’s necessary for the elementary school students who are language beginners to form good habits and to avoid “fossilizition”.
2.Errors correction is not only the responsibility of teachers but also the task of students. Teachers ought to give students opportunities to correct their errors by themselves. Self correction, pair work, group work and the error correction made by the whole class may be effective depending on the types of errors. But some of the errors which are complex or difficult for the students to correct must be corrected by the teacher. Teachers may choose a suitable way to correct them according to the situations they meet.
3.Possible errors should be predicted and emphasized by the teacher according to his or her teaching experience before they are made by the students. In this way, errors can be reduced quite a few.
After errors occur, a variety of means may be used to correct them after they are made in a direct or indirect way. Generally an indirect way is better than a direct way. And teachers should pay attention to correcting marks they use in their correction. It’s unwise to use some stirring marks which would hurt students’ self-respect. It is recommended to use marks which can encourage students to correct their errors more actively. Meantime red shouldn’t be the sole color in error correction and different colors may be used according to different types of errors .
After errors have been corrected, teachers may ask students to do some exercises which are relevant to the errors they made. It is very useful to let students do some exercises such as comparison between the right answers and the wrong ones which are particularly effective for students to get deeper understanding about language points of English.
4.In order to reduce possible interferences which may lead to the occurring of errors, some countermeasures can be taken. Teachers can present a great deal of English materials to students and encourage them to read more after class. The comparison between English and Chinese should be made and the language points ought to be learned systematically.
It is strongly recommended that students should have collections of their own errors and common errors made by most of the students in a class ought to be collected, too. It is particularly effective to review the collection of errors every a few days in order to reduce some errors which can be avoided by this proper countermeasure.
5.Culture knowledge in English-speaking countries and knowledge of other areas are necessary for students to acquire for they can help English learning. Teachers may ask them to get these information from books, TV, and internet to enrich their knowledge and broaden their outlook.
Meanwhile, English shouldn’t be used only in the classroom and students should be encouraged to speak English in their daily life. Some activities about English may be promoted to enrich English teaching and learning. Teachers may ask students to edit English newspaper after class, for they can learn many useful sentences from the extracts they except from other English newspaper, magazines or books and this process is particularly effective to improve their English writing.
Before this essay is brought to an end, there are still two points which are necessary to be put forward. One point is that teachers should remember all the time that errors are inevitable. Some of them must be corrected by teachers and students. But it’s unnecessary to correct all of them. Teachers mustn’t be occupied by the errors only. Teachers should manage to find out what the students have grasped, especially the progress made by the students and give them warm praise in time. Thus the students will be enthusiastic about learning English.
The other point is that students ought to be encouraged though they always make errors. That is to say, teachers should adopt vigorous measures to give students who make errors greater confidence in correcting errors. or we may say that teachers ought to play a positive role in error correction by giving enough encouragement to the students who have succeeded in error correction.
For instance, teachers may make some beautiful cards by themselves. Students who have corrected their errors successfully can get cards from the teacher. Different cards should have different colors representing that different types of errors which have been overcome by the students. Thus students would become more and more active in error correction so that they can get more cards than others. Also students can draw energy from these colorful cards when they meet new difficulties. They can regain confidence from these cards when they are discouraged by the difficulties. Thus students will feel that errors become colorful, learning becomes colorful, and their life becomes colorful, too.
Because of the limitation of time and my limited experience, the case study of students at the elementary school must have some shortcomings. But I hope that it can be viewed as some informative insights and researchers as well as teachers can learn something valuable from my description and analysis.