摘 要:随着社会的进步,时代的发展,一个国家的综合国力越来越取决于人才的素质,“人才的综合素质”显得越来越重要,而如何培养具有综合素质,尤其是具有创新意识和创新能力的人才,是当前教育改革所面临的重大问题,作为基础教育的中小学教育,为了适应时代的需要,也面临着大到教育总目标,小到具体每节课的实施方法的全方位的改革。新课程改革事关中华民族的未来!
关键词:新课程改革 初中历史教学 探究性教学 教学设计 创新能力 科学素养
Abstract :With the development of the society and times, one country’s comprehensive national strength will be more and more depended on the quality of the talented person.. That is to say, the holistic quality of the talented person becomes more and more important to one country. So how to train the student who has the holistic quality, especially those who has innovative competency and awareness, appears as a major issue to which our country’s education reformation has to face. Therefore, the elementary and high school education, which is regarded as the foundamental education, should launch a thorough reform to meet the current needs of the society. The reform should not only include the overall goal, but also the specific plans of every class. The new courses reform is inevitably connected to the fate of our country’s future.
New courses reform contains advanced ideas. It is the focus to change the learning ways in the courses reform of the foundamental education. Inquiry learning is an important way in the process of student learning. It improves the traditional teaching model that the teacher is naturally the centre of the teaching-and-learning process, advocates the interaction between teachers and students, encourages students to solve the questions by themselves and helps train students’ innovative competency and be beneficial to the students’ full scale development. So Inquiry teaching and leaning has been energetically advocated. In the teaching practice, all teachers that working in the schools of foundamental education have changed their teaching ideas, introduced the Inquiry teaching and leaning into their classes and made a significant contribition to our country’s foundamental education reformation.
The core of new courses reform is the realization of the new courses. There is a difficult journey to go between the teaching ideas and the teaching practice for teachers,especiallly for the all teachers of the primary and middle school. This essay introduces the background, practical significances of Inquiry learning, and the methods of Inquiry teaching, then discusses how to carry out the Inquiry teaching in the junior middle school class. Finally, the author proposes some advice on the the Inquiry teaching implementation, sums up her experiences in the Inquiry teaching process and show them to readers.
Key words: new courses reform history teaching of the junior middle school Inquiry teaching teaching design innovative competency scientific quality
当前,我国正处于社会主义改革和实现国家现代化的重要时期。“一个国家,只有当它的人民是现代人,它的国民从心理和行为上都转变为现代的人格,它的现代政治、经济、文化管理机构中的工作人员都获得了某种与现代化发展相适应的现代性,这样的国家才可真正称之为现代化的国家.” 可见,人的现代化是一个国家、一个社会实现现代化所必不可少的因素和条件,同时,对我国的教育事业提出了要求,就是要培养出具有强烈主体意识、自主自立自律的品格、坚强的意志和奋斗精神及敢于创新、百折不挠、不断追求新知且独立思考的社会主义事业的建设者和接班人.自2001年秋季至今,新一轮基础教育课程改革以前所未有的广度和深度在全国范围内迅速而有步骤地展开,就是为了实现中华民族的伟大复兴和国家的强盛。