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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(68页20345字) 

目前,在职高英语教学中,教师采用的最主要的教学方法还是以讲解语言知识点为主的传统方法,导致学生对学习缺乏兴趣,学生的学习效率也不高。本文作者根据Jane Willis 的任务型教学理论框架,提出一个基于任务的职高英语教学模式。这一模式可从语言习得理论、社会建构理论以及课程发展理论等角度来解释和理解。语言习得理论认为,学习者实际上不仅需要有在不同情境中反复实践的机会,还需要在不同情境中使用这些固定的表达方式,从而发展自己的语言系统;社会建构主义者认为,学习是一个社会交互的过程;课程发展理论则强调知识和伦理价值之间的关系,强调学习是一个社会化的过程。所有这些都是任务型教学理论所倡导的。然而文献综述表明,虽然学术界提倡任务型教学,但是针对课堂,尤其是中职英语课堂的相关研究还很少。鉴此,本文进行了一项基于任务的职高英语教学实验研究,目的在于:检验这一教学模式是否有助于激发学生的学习兴趣、增强学生的学习自信心,能否适用于职高英语的教学,能否提高学生的学习效率。


Abstract:Since the innovation of the English teaching in China, teachers of English have been exposed to different teaching styles. The textbooks have been changed several times and the teaching methods have also altered. In order to avoid confusion brought about by implementation of the new policy, China’s New Revised Curriculum for Middle Schools explicitly stipulates that “Task-based Language Learning” approach should be advocated to develop students’ comprehensive abilities in using a language. The emphasis on Task-based Language Learning is found not only in China but also in some other countries and regions, such as the USA, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong and so on.
Up to the present, many problems still exist in the teaching of English in vocational schools. One of the main problems is that most of the teachers are still using traditional methods, such as drill and repetition, learning word lists, choral response etc. to teach students the language points and expressions because they want to increase the students’ store of language. As a result, students find the lessons boring and consequently they have little interest in learning English.
This paper proposes a task-based learning (TBL) model based on Jane Willis’ (1996) framework. It can be theoretically explained from the perspectives of language acquisition theory, social constructivism, and curriculum development theory.
According to language acquisition theory, learners actually need opportunities to practice language in different contexts, they also need to use these established expressions in different situations and settings, so that their own language system can be developed.
Social constructivists regard learning as a social and collaborative process. Curriculum theory emphasizes the interdependence of knowledge and values and stresses the importance of learning as a social process. All these approaches were proposed in task-based instruction.
The literature review shows that although task-based learning has been advocated in academic circles, the relative research on classroom research, especially in vocational schools appears very sparse. In view of this, this paper carried out an experimental research on task-based learning in vocational schools to establish whether TBL helps to build up the students’ motivation and self-confidence, to improve the students’ learning ability, and whether task-based learning is effective.
The research instruments adopted in this paper were pre-test/post-test design with an experimental class and control class, a questionnaire and an interview. A pre-test was given to the seven classes in Senior Grade One in Fuyang Teachers’ Training School. Then, two classes, whose English proficiency and listening, speaking, reading and writing exhibited no significant difference, were chosen as the participants, one as the experimental class and the other as the control class. The study was conducted over a six-month period, and at the end of it, a post-test was held and the observation was again made. The post Independent-Samples T Test indicates great significance appeared in the learning quality between the two classes. Paired-Samples T Test proved that task-based learning brought about significant changes in the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, the questionnaire and the interview showed that the participants hold a positive attitude towards task-based learning. The research suggests that TBL is effective in arousing students’ learning interest, to improve students’ self-confidence and learning ability. Based on the findings of this project , it is worth extending.

Key Words: task-based learning; English teaching; vocational school

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
For several decades, English teaching in China has been aimed at teaching to pass exams. Students were trained to remember the words and grammar in order to participate successfully in the exams. Under this teaching situation, some students might write English perfectly, but most of the students’ listening, speaking and reading skills were not well developed. Many excellent students could get very high scores in Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Test of English as a Foreign language (TOEFL) and International English Language Testing System (IELTS). But it was said that when these students went abroad, they couldn’t get used to the new environment. They couldn’t communicate with the native people because they couldn’t even understand the language although they could write very well. Their English was called “deaf and mute English”. But language is used for communication. Educators in China also saw the shortfall. So they began to focus their efforts to change the situation. Reforms of English teaching were then put into practice.

Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………………………………1
1.1 Research Background…………………………………………………………..1
1.2 Comparison between Traditional Syllabus and Task-based Syllabus……….….3
1.3 Significance of Advocating Task-based Learning (TBL)……………………..3
1.4 Structure of the Thesis…………………………..…………..……..………….5
Chapter 2 Literature Review………………………………………………………6
2.1. Task-based Learning/Teaching……………………………………………….6
2.1.1 Definition of Task…………………………………………………………..6
2.1.2.Components of Tasks……………………………………………………9
2.1.3 Good learning Tasks………………………………………………………10
2.1.4 Principles and Characteristics of Task-based Learning/Teaching ………..11 Characteristics of Tasks…………………………………………11 Features of TBL……………………………………………….…..12 Principles of Designing Tasks ……………………………………13
2.2 Teacher’s Roles in TBL…………………………………………………….….15
2.2.1 Controller…………………………………………………………………15
2.2.2 Assessor…………………………………………………………………16
2.2.3 Organizer………………………………………………………………….16
2.2.4 Prompter…………………………………………………………………..17
2.2.5 Participant…………………………………………………………………17
2.2.6 Resource-provider………………………………………………………18
2.3 Theoretical Basis of Task-based Language Learning………………………….18
2.3.1 Language Acquisition Theory…………………………………………….20
2.3.2 Social Constructivism…………………………………………………….20
2.3.3 Curriculum Development Theory………………………………………21
2.4 Willis(1996)’s Model of TBL…………………………………………………22
2.5 The Present Model………………………………………………………….…23
Chapter 3 Methodology…………………………………………………………….26
3.1 Research Questions……………………………………………………………26
3.2 Participants…………………………………………………..………………26
3.3 Research Instruments………………………………………………………….27
3.4 Procedures…………………………………….…………..…………………28
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion…………………….……………………………33
4.1 Results…………………………………………………………………………33
4.1.1 Experimental Data Analysis………………………………………………33
4.1.2 Results of the Questionnaire……….……………………………………..34
4.1.3 Results of the Interview…………………………………………………36
4.2 Discussion……………………………………………………………………..38
4.2.1 TBL and Students’ Motivation …………………………………………38
4.2.2 TBL and Students’ Self-confidence………………………………………39
4.2.3 TBL and Students’ Learning Ability ……………………………………..39
Chapter 5 Conclusion………………………………………………………………43
5.1 Research Findings……………………………………………………………..43
5.2 Implications for TBL in Teaching English…………………………………….43
5.3 Limitations of the Study……………………………………………………….44
5.4 Concluding Remarks…………………………………………………………..45

Appendix I Task-based Learning of English Questionnaire………………………………………49
Appendix II The Post-test Examination Paper……………………………………………………50
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Based on the discussion in Chapter 4, we present a number of implications for TBL in English teaching and its list of limitations are presented.

5.1 Research Findings
The results of this research suggest that task-based learning of English is practical and feasible. The experimental results manifested that task-based learning brought about significant improvements in students’ learning ability. Questionnaire statistics reflected that the students’ confidence in learning was improved and most of the students held positive attitudes toward TBL. The interview also gives very strong support to the significance of the study as the students are supporting the task-based learning model.
The results of this experimental study, appear to indicate that the worries of those teachers who thought TBL did not really suit the vocational school students are unnecessary. Vocational school students can also learn English by using this methodology although their English levels are not high. If we give them the tasks which they can reach under the policy of Krashen’s hypothesis, i+1, They can perform well in English. Using this cycle, their English level will certainly develop.
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