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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(158页123746字) 


关键词:文言文 教材 数量 编排 对策

Abstract :Through the teaching of Chinese Language, the teaching of Chinese Ancient Text owns the special magnificence, which can achieve many teaching objects ,including the development of the teenagers’concerns for others and the society,dedication for nothing,endeavor under the hard condition and spreading the national culture traditions.However, the teaching of Chinese Ancient Text now is still a weak part in the education for all-round development.In essence, the direct cause is the deficiency of the overall function in terms of the amount,disposal and the layout in the part of the Chinese Ancient Text in the teaching materials.
This research adopts the method of typical sample statistical test.It focus on the teaching materials including junior and senior schools published by The People’s Education Press(PEP),1990 edition and 2001 edition.the research compares the two editions concerning the diversification with regards to the styles and the years,the teaching clues and the content of annotation,and made a statistics at large and external description.there out.
I drew the conclusion of this paper,which that under the new standard of teaching,although the teaching materials of 2001 edition,has increasede the amount of Chinese Ancient Text,and changed more or less on aspect of the learning method for students,it also has reduced the knowledge and skills of ancient texts.thereby,it has reduces the accumulation of words,sentence,and grammar and the amount of cognition and practice,as well.this change results in an ending.which is that the significance of the natural growth in the Chinese Ancient Test in 2001 edition is greatly reduced.With the respect of the total function,it seems that the quantity is not sufficient.

Key Chinese Ancient Text Teaching materials Amount Layout Contermeasure


前言 ………………………………………………………… 1
第一章 教材基本情况的比较分析 ………………………… 3
第二章 教材助导系统的比较分析 ………………………11
第三章 两个版本练习系统的比较分析 ………………………17
结语 …………………………………………………………26
附录一 每篇选文的字数及背诵字数统计 ………………………32
附录二 每册选文篇目年代的统计 ………………………………39
附录三 相同课文的提示统计 …………………………………46
附录四 相同选文的注释统计 …………………………………63
附录五 相同选文的词语统计 …………………………………77
附录六 相同篇目习题客观描述 ………………………………82
附录七 相同选文篇目 ………………………………………138
参考文献 ………………………………………………………141
⑶ 1990版人民教育出版社出版高中全套教材及教学大纲
⑸《文言文词语表(初中)》饶杰腾 北京师范学院出版社 1986年1月版
⑹《文言文词语表(高中)》饶杰腾 北京师范学院出版社 1988年4月版
⑺《汉语文教材概论》刘占泉著 北京大学出版社 2004年9月版
⑻《〈文言读本〉前言》 朱自清、叶圣陶、吕叔湘 上海教育出版社 1980版
⑼《语文教育学科教育学》 饶杰腾 首都师范大学出版社 2000版
⑽《语文教育学科教育探索》 饶杰腾编 首都师范大学出版社 2000版
⑾《谈谈学习古代汉语》 王力 山东教育出版社 1984版.
⑿《中国教育史》 孙培青主编 华东师范大学出版社 2000版
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