摘 要:我国的基础教育体育课程之所以要进行重大改革,既有来自其自身发展的需要,也有来自人类健康对终身体育的呼唤。针对传统高中体育课程模式中存在的一系列问题,如:由于学生的主体性严重缺失,造成学生喜欢体育而不喜欢体育课的现象愈来愈严重;体育教学忽视对学生心理健康关注的同时,繁多的竞技性体育教学内容更加重了学生的心理负担,况且低水平重复设置的体育课程又缺乏对学生终身体育能力和习惯的有效培养;另外,在三级课程管理体制下,由于学校校本体育课程开发功能的缺位,造成极大多数体育教师处于敷衍塞责或被动无助的尴尬境地,于是“清一色的放羊课”就成了当今学校体育课堂的“通病”,等等。鉴于此,在推行新课程标准的背景下,如何结合示范性高中的师资、场地器材、设备和生源等体育资源实际,创造性地构建一种提升体育教学效益的新课程模式成为一项亟待研究的重要课题。
Abstract:With the reform of national basic education curriculum going further, the high school PE curriculum, as one part of it, desiderates to be revised regarding the requirements of life-long physical education. There lies a series of issues under the environment of traditional modes of PE. These include the inactive state of mind of students, the increasing unpopularity of PE classes, and the ignorance of psychological health. In addition to the heavy burden brought about by the various athletics training courses, the present high school PE curriculum is inefficient in improving students’ life-long athletic ability and developing their athletic habits. Besides, within the current education system, the campus-bases development of high school PE curriculum can not function well, which in turn put the PE teachers in an awkward situation. Therefore, under the background of new curriculum reform, how to combine different sources, mainly students, teachers and equipment, to exploit a new efficient high school PE curriculum is of great significance.
By applying different research methods, the paper puts forward the first time the three stage mode of high school PE curriculum, which is based on mass of scientific and creative research into high school PE curriculum, system mechanism and athletic psychology. This new mode consists of three stages accordingly divided into three senior high school years. This mode is not only accustomed to the acquisition of athletic skills and techniques, but also inclined to embody the optional and accumulative characteristic of high school PE curriculum. It fundamentally overcomes the longstanding disadvantages of the contents repetition and greatly improves the activity of students’ interest in PE classes, thus it has achieved the goals in the five learning and training domains set in the new curriculum standards.
The experiment of the three stage mode of high school PE curriculum has been carried out in the past three school years in the High School Attached to Hunan Normal University, whose results is very much satisfying and suggest that the mode effectively emerges the athletic sources in demonstrative high schools. As an efficient medium and method to practice the quality-oriented education, the advantages of this new mode is outstanding and can be summarized into “five efficiencies”. These respectively are that first, it effectively protects and motivates students’ interest in PE classes; second, it greatly improves and optimizes the students’ psychological health; third, it successfully develops students’ physical quality and their social adaptive ability; forth, it rapidly accelerates the development of students’ athletic ability and habits; at last, it helpfully encourages the specialization of the PE teachers in demonstrative high schools.
Key words: demonstrative high schools, the three stage mode of PE curriculum, research
1 引论
1.1 研究的缘起
我国的基础教育体育课程之所以要进行重大改革,既有来自现代社会对人类健康的挑战,也来自基础教育课程改革和终身体育的呼唤。我国中小学体育课程改革经历了一个曲折的过程,在新课程标准颁布实施以来,体育课程改革工作取得了可喜的进步,但总是跳不出以竞技体育项目为主中心的“怪圈”,繁多的竞技性体育教学内容加重了学生的心理负担,学生身心健康水平与社会综合素养以及学生的终身体育习惯难以形成,由于学生的主体性严重“缺失”, 造成“学生喜欢体育而不喜欢体育课”的现象愈来愈严重;学校体育与社区体育严重脱节,以至于一个人在长达14年的体育教育中的个人体育效益是“微乎其微”;另外,在“三级课程管理体制”下,由于各级学校校本体育课程开发功能的“缺失”,造成极大多数体育教师处于敷衍塞责或被动无助尴尬境地,于是“清一色的放羊课”成了现行体育课堂的“通病”,等等。因此,在推行新课程标准背景下,如何结合示范性高中的师资、场地器材、设备和生源等优越的教学资源实际,积极探寻提升体育教学效益的高中体育课程模式成为时代赋予每一位体育教育工作者的神圣使命。