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摘 要:在知识经济和信息发展的时代,掌握一门外语,尤其是英语,是对21世纪公民的一个基本要求。外语教育的目的之一是为了使人们能在多元化的地球村中更好地生存、交流和发展。
《全日制义务教育 普通高级中学 英语课程标准(实验稿)》是我国经济发展和科技进步的必然产物。它对广大中小学英语教师的教学理论水平和教学技能提出了更高的要求,这关乎到我国英语教学的健康发展和英语教学质量的提高。


Abstract :The need for a high-English-proficiency work force in China has been growing rapidly in recent years to keep pace with its growing economic and political role in global economy and international affairs.
The New Curriculum Reform for Full Time Compulsory Education and English Curriculum Standards put forward a higher demand for teachers’ theoretical level and teaching competence.
English Curriculum Standards defines the ultimate goal of the basic English education as “to cultivate students’ integrative competence in using English”, which is more demanding in terms of both students’ efforts and teachers’ English competence and teaching skills, and thus requires teachers to make conscientious self-improvement and to readjust their teaching beliefs and teaching methods. Various forms of training programs for in-service teachers, including elementary teachers, have been conducted to this end, with the focus on the professional development of teachers. This research aims to explore how to enhance the effect of teachers’ professional development.
The investigation covers the literature on teachers’ professional development and governments’ documents of in-service education of elementary school teachers, witnesses several interviews with education experts, educators and EETs (Elementary English Teachers) and conducts a questionnaire to 121 elementary English teachers and an English test to another 134 elementary English teachers in Xinxiang City, offering an overall present state of EETs in Xinxiang. The participants’ educational background, practical English levels, teaching abilities, in-service training received, self-development activities, weak points in teaching and courses they wish to take are the main focus of the investigation.
This paper consists of four chapters: introduction, theoretical bases, investigation and analyses, results and discussion. The rationale of the present study comes from constructivism and professional development theories. The core beliefs are that learning is a process that learners actively construct new knowledge upon pre-existing knowledge and experiences according to their own needs and interests. In a constructivist approach, English teachers should base their teaching skills, improvement and professional development on their practical knowledge and pre-existing experiences.
By analyzing the data collected, this research is conducted from two aspects: major findings and analyses; suggestions on how to improve professional development of English teachers in elementary schools.
The main problems with the professional development of EETs are:
◆ Deficiency in language skills and theories
Both language skills and theoretical knowledge of language and teaching of EETs in the survey are unsatisfactory. The teachers complain that they often fail to explain clearly some language phenomena to students. Some teachers feel it hard to select suitable teaching methods in their classroom teaching and to handle the classroom disciplinary problems. Inability to perform speech acts and functions fluently in English in classroom often leads to language teachers’ resort to Chinese. Teachers have better command of English grammar and vocabulary than spoken English. Most teachers feel that their listening and speaking ability are poor. It is very difficult for them to use English to give clear instructions.
◆ Lack of systematic development training
Although many of the teachers have attended one or two training programs, those programs did not seem to have solved their problems. The 20 questions in a CLOZE test demonstrate that their English is not competent enough for them to conduct effective teaching.
◆ Low awareness of self-improvement
Heavy burden of teaching, as well as class masters responsibilities and task of making their students to go to key middle school deprived the teachers of their energy to pursue self development.
◆ Deficiency in teaching and research ability
EETs’ teaching and research abilities are limited. Most of them report that their common teaching and research activity is observing peers’ classes as a required task. They can not make comments on the class they sat in based on any theory. They are informed of some English teaching methods, but seldom employ them in class, for they don’t know how to make the theory serve their teaching goals. They even worry that trying new teaching methods will lead to students’ failure in tests.
◆ Lack of financial and administrative support from the school authority
Teachers cannot afford time and money for the training program on their own. There are scarcely policies benefiting their study.
The most important finding from this investigation is the courses the EETs want to learn most. Of the eight courses, the top four are: Oral English (97.5%); Listening (54.5%); Pronunciation (53.7%); Modern English Teaching Methodology and Practice (53.7%).
Based on the investigation results and the theories reviewed, the author gives some suggestions on EETs’ professional development.
Firstly, teachers’ professional development should get enough support from authorities. Secondly, the English teachers themselves should make conscious self-improvement effort. Thirdly, the education colleges and educators should design courses catering to the teachers’ needs and demands. Fourthly, the elementary school itself should create a platform for the EETs’ teaching, learning and research.

Key words: elementary English teachers (EETs), professional development, constructivism

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Basic Requirements for Current English Teachers in Elementary School
UNESO once gave “five factors and one formula” to the quality of foreign language teaching. The five factors are: state’s policy to foreign language teaching; resource of students and their quality; quality of teaching material; teaching environment and condition; teacher’s quality. The formula is: “teaching quality=〔students (1 point) + text books (2 points ) + environment (4 points )+ teaching methodology (3 points)〕× teacher’s quality”. (Mei Deming, 2004:34) This formula shows the importance of teachers in the whole teaching procedure. Though a good teacher is very important to any periods of a student, comparatively he is even more important to a primary pupil than to a college student. His model role (as children’s pronunciation imitating model), his individual instructive role, his classroom activity organizing role, etc. take active effect on children’s language learning. Teacher’s figure, language, image, classroom show, his interaction with students, all appear quite important.

摘 要II
List of TablesIX
Chapter 1 Introduction1
1.1 Basic Requirements for Current English Teachers in Elementary School1
1.2 A Brief Review of Present Context of EETs3
1.3 The Overall Structure of the Thesis4
Chapter 2 Theoretical Bases5
2.1 Interpretation of Professional Development5
2.1.1 A Definition of Professional Development5
2.1.2 Major Characteristics in Professional Development6
2.1.3 Significance of Teachers’ Professional Development in China6
2.1.4 A Brief Review of Studies on English Teachers’ Professional Development9
2.2 Constructivism11
2.2.1 Personal-construct Theory12
2.2.2 Social Constructivism13
Chapter 3 An Investigation16
3.1 Objectives of the Investigation16
3.2 Subjects Investigated16
3.3 Tools Applied18
3.4 Results and Discussion18
3.4.1 Educational Background18
3.4.2 Teaching Context20
3.4.3 Real English Level24
3.4.4 Teacher Development24
3.4.5 Teaching and Research27
3.4.6 Difficulties in Teaching29
3.4.7 Courses Mostly Desired30
Chapter 4 Concluding Remarks33
4.1 Major Findings from the Investigation33
4.1.1 Deficiency in Support Knowledge33
4.1.2 Low Awareness of Self-improvement34
4.1.3 Deficiency in Teaching and Research Ability34
4.1.4 Lack of Financial and Administrative Support from the School Authority35
4.1.5 The Courses EETs Most Want to Take36
4.2 Some Suggestions37
4.2.1 Duty of the Whole Society37
4.2.2 Duty of Teachers Themselves38
4.2.3 Duty of Educators41
4.2.4 Duty of Schools45
4.3 Limitations and Prospects for Future Research46
独 创 性 声 明58

List of Tables
Table 3-1 Information about the Subjects Investigated17
Table 3-2 Educational Background19
Table 3-3 EETs’ Teaching Workload in Schools21
Table 3-4 EETs’ Teaching Situation in Class21
Table 3-5 EETs’ School Teaching Equipment22
Table 3-6 Results of a Close Test24
Table 3-7 Statistics of Self-improvement25
Table 3-8 Teachers’ Academic Publications27
Table 3-9 Frequency of Teachers’ Research Activities in Their Working Schools28
Table 3-10 Attending Research Activities Out of Teachers’ Working Schools28
Table 3-11 Difficulties for Teachers in Teaching30
Table 3-12 The Courses EETs Want to Study31
Table 3-13 The Top Eight Courses EETs Need32

Table 4- 1 EETs’ Total Income per Month and School’s Support Ratio36
Table 4- 2 Curriculum Proposal43
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