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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: admin 发布时间: 13/09/05

资料包括: 论文(63页46126字) 



Abstract :In the year 2004, Ministry of Education of China deploys innovation in high school curricula, which begins only in four provinces for the first time, to meet the needs of the full development of the students with individuality by offering curricula with basic-focused, diversification and multi-levels. The core of the innovation is to cultivate the creative and practical abilities of the students by reconstructing the high school curricula and improving ways of teaching and learning, which pays more attention to the developement of the students'' individuality.
To fully develope the students'' abilities, classroom teaching must reach the dimension aim that is knowledge, skills and sentiment. Old ways of classroom teaching are more likely to concentrate on knowledge, leaving skills and sentiment out of teaching. The essay is to try to find new ways to unify these three in classroom teaching by using metacongnition and analyzing the teaching procedures.
By researches, practice and questionnaire, the essay makes a systemic study of the teaching ways and means of Physics in high school through reflection and explores. The essay has five chapters.
Chapter one, summerize of the metacongnition in Physics, consisting of the study background, raising the question,the study object,, the study methods, the significance of the study as well as the present situations of home and abroad.
Chapter two, the theoretical basic of the metacongnition in Physics, stating that the theory of Autobus instructive study and the theory of architectural study, Piaget basic constructional learning theory and Vygotsky Social Construction are the psychological base of the metacongnition in Physics teaching, while Lifelong Education Theory and the Theoretical Research of the Subjectivity Education are the pedagogy basic of the metacongnition in Physics teaching.
Chapter three, the teaching procedures by using the metacongnition in Physics, firstly analyzing the metacongnition in Physics teaching as a knowledge carrier. It also states the relation and function of cognition and metacongnition in teaching activities.Thirdly, it mentions the three targets of developing the students'' ability during teaching in order to shape the connection among knowledge, skill and strategies. Lastly, it expounds the relevant teaching strategies. Combining the more than two years’ teaching practice and exploration, the author not only summarizes the conduction of Physics teaching the four lesson types of physics concepts, rules, experiments and revision by using metacongnition, but also introduces the fucntion of each step and the relevant teaching strategies.
Chapter four, learning in the metacongnition in Physics.This illustrates the students'' ability to study on their own, to think, to imagine, to analyze and to solve and to start work by themselves, the self assesement , forming a team to work and its rules and the production of concept maps.
Chapter five,practice in the metacongnition in Physics.Presentation of lessons plans of Physics concepts, rules, experiments, revisions classs. The questionnaire is used to predict the teaching effect on the students.

Key words: metacongnition, Physics teaching, teaching procedures, construction idea

第一章 元认知物理教学研究概述
第一节 研究背景和问题提出

第一章 元认知物理教学研究概述…………………………………………………1
第一节 研究背景和问题提出 …………………………………………………1
第二节 研究对象与研究方法、意义……………………………………………2
第三节 国内外的研究现状……………………………………………………4
第二章 元认知物理教学的理论基础………………………………………………5
第一节 心理学基础……………………………………………………………5
第二节 教育学理论基础………………………………………………………8
第三章 元认知物理教学的教学过程 ……………………………………………12
第一节 物理学科教学特点……………………………………………………12
第二节 知识在课堂教学中的载体作用………………………………………13
第三节 元认知教学活动层面…………………………………………………14
第四节 元认知教学目标………………………………………………………16
第五节 元认知教学的教学策略 ……………………………………………19
第六节 元认知物理教学的实施 ……………………………………………21
第四章 元认知教学中的学生学习 ………………………………………………24
第一节 学生的自主学习………………………………………………………24
第二节 学生自评体系 ………………………………………………………25
第三节 小组(讨论)合作学习 ………………………………………………29
第四节 物理概念图制作………………………………………………………30
第五章 元认知物理教学实践……………………………………………………35
第一节 元认知物理教学案例…………………………………………………35
第二节 物理高三复习课教学效果及分析……………………………………44
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[21]裴光勇 陈佑清 知识发生过程教学的内涵和价值 中国教育学刊 2001年第1期
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[23]李召存 教学中主体参与的有效性分析 中国教育学刊(2000、5)

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