真性作文即以真情作为核心,以率性作为表征,以真实的情感、细小的切入、实在的材料作为评价标准的一种作文。真性作文的“真”即“真情”之意,准确说是“真实的感情”,按海德格尔说的,就是 “真是作为某物而存在的存在者之无蔽状态。真就是存在的真。” 其核心是“情”,强调“真”的特性,之所以叫“真性作文”而不叫“情性作文”,意在突出在应试作文时代背景下“真”的现实意义;“性”取“性情”或“情性”之义。
Abstract :The present paper on the one hand is a teaching practice summary. Therefore, the development of the essay is according to the time order; logically, it follows the track from the shallow to the deep. The content is presented in individual cases. On the other hand the present paper is also an explanation of a teaching theory. It includes the teaching practice before the theory, namely the true-feeling composition, takes shape initially, the extract of teaching practice, and the reconsideration of theory after teaching practice.
The true-feeling composition takes the core by the true feelings, and the appearance by frankness. It is assessed by real emotion, fine cut-in and true material. The true-feeling composition refers the kind of compositions with true feelings in it. Accurately, “the real sentiment”, according to Heidegger. True things take the existence of truth. Its core is the “sentiment”, emphasizing the true characteristic. The reason why it is called the true-feeling composition but not others is to highlight the background of exam-oriented education nowadays in China.
The true-feeling composition teaching has been carried out in a junior class for 3 years uninterruptedly and systematically. The systematic feature is presented by putting the students’ writing practice into the training of true-feeling composition as well as the reading practice inside and outside classroom.
The true-feeling composition teaching practice is performed in three stages: the ice-breaking stage, the construction stage and the progress stage. The ice-breaking stage is to break down the usually way of thinking which students has already established and to construct and develop a new idea of composition---the true-feeling composition. The construction stage places emphasis on the students’ reversion to the true-feeling character in their week-report. The three basic principles in the week-report are as follows. Firstly, students must pay great attention to the abstracting of facts. Secondly, students must not record facts with thinking and feeling. Thirdly, students should try to find true, good and beautiful things in life and judge the social phenomenon by a standard which is true, good and beautiful, correctly guiding individuals to express positive feelings. The progress stage is focused on the improvement of students’ expression. The improvement of students’ expression can also be understood as “expressing one’s feelings in a new way” (Shklovsky Viktor Borisovich) and “expressing the real sentiment” (Heidegger) and "the perception demonstration" (Hegel). In this stage we should improve students’ vocabulary, paragraphs, chapters, even their thinking mode and so on.
The true-feeling composition teaching practice, has broken thoroughly the monopoly of the test-oriented composition theory, and thus has created the space for the natural development of composition teaching. As one kind of experiment, although it appears as an individual case, it shows its exuberant vitality in resistance to the practice of test-oriented composition teaching. The reason lies in the fact that the true-feeling composition teaching takes root in our time, and that it keeps an eye on the blustery trend of the times, and that moreover it deeply takes root in student''s heart, and that it gives a thoughtful consideration to our younger generation.
Key word: True-feeling composition; Theory; Practice; Reconsidering
绪 论
一是受应试作文观念的束缚,缺乏整体观照。人们早已意识到应试作文的种种弊端,教育界也做出种种改革尝试,从命题作文、半命题作文、材料作文,发展到今天的话题作文,企图通过发挥考试指挥棒的作用,改变应试作文的种种弊端,然而收效甚微。因为中学作文教学已经养成了为考试作文的习惯,作文教学本应是教学中的一个常规系统,然而考试打破了这个常规系统,使作文教学变得功利而又短视,考试作文题型的变化最后演变成了“作文教学改革”的晴雨表 ,应试作文的改革总也跳不出它自设的圈套。要想取得作文教学上的突破,必须遵行“自下而上”的改革思路,弱化应试的话语权,阻止应试对中学作文教学的异化,让作文教学以一种常规的姿态自然生长。