摘 要:目前我国教育工作者非常关心计算机辅助教学的效果,对此的研究也很广泛,主要集中在单纯的计算机教学功效研究、软件设计研究等方面,而对计算机辅助教学的实施者教师和学习的主体-学生的反应考虑不够,而这恰恰是值得研究的重要方面。本文以此作为研究方向,来论证( 1 )语文 CAI 是否比传统教学效果好;( 2 )语文 CAI 对学生智力因素和非智力因素的影响;( 3 )语文 CAI 对学生的学习是否具有积极的作用等几方面的问题,以使语文 CAI 在中等专业学校发挥其最佳的作用,取得良好的教学效果。
本次调查分为两大部分,第一部分是对重点中等专业学校与普通中等专业学校的教师和各年级的学生在多个方面进行了调查比较。第二部分是对郑州卫校一年级新生进行为期一年的追踪调查分析。同所学校同年级(一年级)同专业同一教师所教的两个班:试验班采用语文 CAI 教学方法,对照班采用传统教学方法,来进一步研究语文CAI 对学生学习能力及学业成绩的影响。
1.采用语文CAI 教学可获得良好的教学效果。对于低年级及抽象性强的课目来说,效果胜于传统教学,更能提高学生的成绩。
2.语文CAI 教学能引起学生的兴趣和注意,增强理解和记忆,激发学生学习的积极性和主动性。
3.语文CAI 教学能提高教学效率和教学质量,具有较理想的教学效果。
4.环境、软硬件建设及教师素质是影响 CAI 教学效果的主要因素,要充分调动各因素积极的一面,发挥最佳的影响效果。
关键词:计算机辅助教学,中等专业学校语文教学,调查分析,影响因素, CAI 效果
Abstract :At the moment our country education worker is concerned about Computer assisted instruction effect very much , and research to this is also very wide-ranging , and main lumping is living the respects such as pure calculating machine education effect research and software design research and so on , but the main part - reaction of student is consider insufficiently to executor tutor and study to the Computer assisted instruction, but this exactly is the significant respect that merit researching . The original is doed worthwhile to research the orientation with this , and comes that proof ( 1 ) Chinese CAI''s education means education effect whether is good than the tradition ; ( 2 ) Chinese CAI adjust the student''s intelligence element effect with the non- intelligence element ; ( 3 ) whether Chinese the study adjust student of CAI havees the problem that the energetic action awaited some respects , and the moderate educational institution brings into play such optimum action in order to cause Chinese CAI be living , and acquires well education effect.
This looks into two mosts part are divided into , first section is adjusting tutor and every special subject against the ordinary polytechnic school educational institution of focal polytechnic school educational institution student below respect being living having carried on the investigation comparatively . Second section is to Zhengzhou Wei Xiao''s rebirth of grade is underway by a definite date 1 year tracing diagnosis . With the educational institution the same age two that identical tutor the instruct team of grade ( leting drop the year ) with specially , the eperiment team adopts Chinese CAI''s education means , and the comparison team adopts traditional education means to come to research further Chinese CAI and adjust student''s study capability and the one''s studies achievement effect .
The below conclusion may be obtain by means of diagnosis :
1.Chinese CAI the education is as good as traditional education effect at least .
Is living to adjust to let drop age reaches the powerful branch of learning effect of the quality abstracting to beat traditional education , and still more be able to lift the achievement of student
2.Chinese CAI the education , be able to arouse that the interest of student with is pay attention to , and heighten to comprehend and the memory that stimulates student''s study initiative and initiative quality
3.Chinese CAI the education , be able to lift education effectiveness and the education quality , and have more ideal education effect
4.The environment , it is the main element that affects CAI''s education effect that the software and hardware is construct tutor''s quality , and will sufficiently shift energetic one section of every element , and brings into play optimum effect
Key word: Computer assisted instruction, the moderate Chinese education , diagnosis , the effect element , CAI''s effect
前 言
21世纪是个信息爆炸、科技发达、社会迅速发展、国际关系日益密切的新时代,人类的科学知识,正以前所未有的速度剧增,据粗略统计,19世纪是每50年增加一倍。20世纪中叶是每10年增加一倍,当前则3年到5年增加一倍。人类知识增长迅速、更新周期短,与学生在校学习时间有限的矛盾已经现实地摆在了我们的面前。人们从没有像今天这样深刻地体会到“学海无崖” 。国际21世纪教育委员会在向联合国教科文组织提交的报告中指出:终身教育概念是进入21世纪的一把钥匙,一个人如果不会学习,当生活的传统范畴发生深刻变化之后,了解他人、了解世界、了解新生事物的需要就无法得到满足。为了适应不断变革的世界,教育应围绕四种基本学习加以安排。这四种学习是人一生中的知识支柱:学会认知,即获取理解的手段;学会做事,以便能够对自己所处的环境产生影响;学会共同生活,以便与他人一道参加人的所有活动并在这些活动中进行合作;学会生存,以便更充分地发展自己的人格,并能以不断增强的自主性、判断力和个人责任感来行动。从而从根本上更新了学习的内涵,将学会学习置于21世纪教育的核心。