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摘 要:本研究旨在调查在我国中学英语教学(EFL)中,语言结构复杂性对‘有意注意形式教学法’有效性的影响,及采用‘有意注意形式教学’与传统教学法学习冠词、一般过去时和现在虚拟条件句三个语言形式结构的不同效果,并探索其制约因素。本研究提出如下三个研究问题: 1) ‘有意注意形式教学’是否对学习上述三个不同类型语言项目有效? 2)‘有意注意形式教学’是否比传统教学更有效? 3)语言结构复杂性是否对学习效果有显著影响?
‘有意注意形式教学’(FonF)始于80年代,当时交际法盛行,否认语法教学的系统作用,但交际法效果却不尽人意。‘有意注意形式教学’的提出,是对交际法不教语法的修正,但又与传统教学(FonFs)(即语法翻译法)不同,主张“在交际中将学习者的注意力公然引向语言形式”。对FonF的前期研究主要集中于讨论其有效性,对其有效性看法也不尽同。总体上认为有效,但研究结果各异。也有学者认为(Sheen,2003)两种教学之间没有不同。本研究根据VanPatten (1996, 2002) 输入加工理论,综合加工序列(Pienamann, 1998, 2003)、语义显性度、和交际值三项指标,对三个语言形式结构的复杂度进行了评估,并将其从难到易依次排列如下:冠词﹥现在虚拟条件句﹥一般过去时。
实验为2×3因子设计,由实验、前后、测试构成。60名八年级学生参加了实验,实验组 (n=30) 与控制组 (n=30) 分别采用‘有意注意形式教学’与传统教学两种不同方法,学习三个不同复杂度的语言结构形式;前、后测三次成绩为因变量。对三次实验数据,采用了重复测量方差分析、单因素方差分析和多因素方差分析后,得出如下结果:1)有意注意形式教学,对学习一般过去时和现在虚拟条件句有效,对学习冠词基本无效,其效果不如传统教学;2)学习现在虚拟条件句时,‘有意注意形式教学’比传统教学更有效;学习一般过去时,与传统教学的效果相同;学习冠词时,其效果不如传统教学;3)语言结构复杂性对用FonF 和FonFs学习三个不同形式结构的效果都具有显著影响。


1 Introduction
1.1 Selecting the topic
Formal instruction, i.e. grammar teaching (R. Ellis, 1994:611), is one of the important inter-functional components in the complicated foreign language teaching (FLT) system (Gui Shichun, 2005) and is always a controversial issue for its contribution to the learning of foreign language (FL)/second language (L2) (Ellis, 2002). It always draws great attention from language researchers and teachers of English for its great influence on the efficacy of L2/FL learning/acquisition.
Krashen (1982) claimed that conscious awareness does not help much in learning complex rules, and argued consistently (1981, 1982, 1993) that the effect of form-focused instruction (FFI) on acquisition is only peripheral. However, findings from a lot of studies on the effect of immersion (Harley & Swain, 1978, 1985; Hammerly, 1987; Harley, 1993) have shown that L2 learners in immersion classes often demonstrate weaknesses in grammatical accuracy. Swain (1985) argued that “comprehensible input,” although invaluable to the acquisition process, is not sufficient for learners to fully develop their L2 proficiency. Contra Krashen’s claim, Robinson (1996), suggested that complex rules are better learned in explicit conditions. Krashen’s non-interface position as well as his denial of the role of explicit instruction was thus challenged by Swain’s Output Hypothesis (Swain, 1985; 1998 for), Sharwood Smith’s Consciousness-raising or Input Enhancement (1981), Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis (1990), and especially by the recent focus on form (FonF) approach (Doughty & Long, 1998).

摘 要.iv
Lists of Tables …………..i
Lists of
Lists of Abbreviations..vii
. Introduction .. 1
1.2 The purpose of this study.4
1.3 Significance of this study.4
2. Literature review..…..5
2.1 The definition of FonF …………………………. .5
2.2 The classification of FonF..….5
2.3 The background of the development of FonF.5
2.4 Previous studies on FonF………………………………….7
2.4.1 Noticing enhancement..…..7
2.4.2 Empirical studies on the effects of noticing enhancement.….8
2.5 The mixed results and linguistic complexity issue..11
3. Theoretical framework..…..13
3.1 Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis….13
3.2 Robinson’s Proposal….13
3.3 VanPatten’s input processing principles..14
3.4 Linguistic complexity issue15
4. The present study.…..20
4.1 Research hypotheses..….20
4.2 Operational definition of the main variables..20
4.3 Subjects21
4.4 Target language forms..…..21
4.5 Research design.…..22
4.6 Research procedures..…..24
4.7 Research instrument…27
4.8 Data collection and analysis.….28
4.8.1 Scoring.28
4.8.2 Data Analysis29
4.9 Discussion..….41
5 Conclusions.…..47
5.1 Major findings …..47
5.2 Implications findings …..48
5.3 Limitations of the present study ..…..49
Appendixes ..…xiii
Appendix 1 Reading passages in Phase 1..…..xiii
Appendix 2 Phase 2 Writing topic prompts for EG……………………………………………….xv
Appendix 3 Model Compositions…………………………………………………………………xvii
Appendix 4 Grammaticality judgment test ………………………………………………………..xx
Appendix 5 八年级学生英语学习问卷…………………………………………………………..xxii
Appendix 6 Pretest…………………………………………………………………………………xxiv
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5.1 Major findings
The present study set out to investigate 1) whether FonF facilitates EFL learners’ learning of the three linguistic forms, 2) whether FonF approach produce better results than FonFs, and 3) whether linguistic complexity exert significant impact upon EFL learners’ learning of a linguistic form. The major findings of it are as follow:
Firstly, FonF is very effective in facilitating the learners’ learning of English conditional if, and almost equally effective with FonFs in facilitating the learners’ learning the past tense, but not effective enough in facilitating the learners’ learning of the English article system. Thus, Hypothesis 1 is partially supported.
Secondly, FonF is more effective than FonFs in facilitating the learners’ learning of English conditional if, but less effective than FonFs in learning article. As to the learning of the past tense, FonF and FonFs are equally effective. Thus, Hypothesis 2 that FonF is more effective than FonFs in facilitating the learners’ learning of the three target structures is also partially supported.
Thirdly, there is significant difference between complex structure and simple structures, between complex structure and the structure of moderate complexity, and between the structure of moderate complexity and simple structure in both posttests. The overall results of MANOVA (see Table 18) suggest that structural complexity has significant impact upon the efficacy of FonF and FonFs in terms of both short-term and long-term effects. The differential results of FonF in facilitating the learners’ learning of the three linguistic forms have a close relationship with the MT and CV features of them. A form with lower MT in terms of its inherent semantic value is more attention- demanding than a form with higher CV. In short, the high CV a form has, the more effective FonF is in facilitating students’ learning of it, and vice versa. This is consistent with van Patten’s proposal that a structure of high communicative value is more likely to be noticed than a structure of lower communicative value.
Furthermore, the results of MANOVA also indicates that the interactive effects of complexity*method is statistically significant, F (2, 174) =3.988, P<.004. It is generally acknowledged that when we have a strong interaction effect, we cannot consider the main effects as important (Hatch & Farhady, 1981). In this particular research, we cannot make the claim that FonF works better than FonFs though there is a significant difference between the two methods. Most of the difference for methods (see Figure 5 and Figure 6) is attributable to the better performance of the learners when instructed via FonF in learning conditional if. There is virtually no significant difference between the gains the FonF group and FonFs group separately made in both posttests of past tense. In addition, FonFs produced better results than FonF in facilitating the learners’ learning of the English article in Posttest1, but no significant difference was found between the two groups in Posttest 2. Hypothesis 3 that linguistic complexity exerts significant impact upon EFL learners’ learning of a linguistic form is, thus, supported.
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