资料包括: 论文(66页26437字)
说明:摘 要:目前,高中学生面对庞大的词汇学习体系和任务,而学生学习速度慢、遗忘现象普遍、学习主动性不强,导致英语学习困难重重,积极性受挫,成绩不理想,而且多数学生词汇学习方式单一,记忆单词多用重复性的读和写,花费了大量时间而收效甚微。 怎样促使学生自己有效地学习词汇和运用词汇?作者尝试了指导学生建立词汇卡片的方法来提高、促进高中生的词汇学习。
本研究以Allen V.F.和 N.Schmitt的词汇学习习得理论为框架,旨在研究高中学生在词汇学习方面一个问题。假设通过这种词汇学习方法的训练,学生自我营造语言环境,开发自主学习的能力,学生记忆基础词汇的长久性和运用基础词汇的准确性能够加强,进而为发展各项英语语言的技能打好基础。这假设通过了为期十六周的词汇教学活动设计而完成。
关键词:词汇学习 策略 笔记法 自主学习 高中学生
Abstract :At present, having a large number of words and phrases to master, the students who do not know how to learn and to master vocabulary in good way in senior school show some problems during their process of vocabulary learning, such as the slow speed of memorizing; the forgetting phenomenon of words; the simple method of learning; and negative attitude of studying and so on. In most cases, students only use such methods as repetitive reading and writing to learn vocabulary. They have spent much time on memorizing vocabulary, but they have gained little. How to urge the students to study and use the vocabulary effectively after they learned? The author tried to train students how to make vocabulary notebooks to improve their vocabulary learning in senior middle school.
The present research is aimed at studying problems of vocabulary learning in a senior school. It is based on the theories of vocabulary learning acquisition by Allen V.F and Schmitt’s study, in addition to the cognitive theory and the regulation theory of memory. The hypothesis is that the students can remember the vocabulary effectively, and use the vocabulary correctly after being trained by the method of vocabulary notebooks, they can construct the language learning environment by themselves, and their ability of self-study can be developed. Furthermore, they can make a firm foundation in language learning skills. The experiment is finished by a 16-week classroom teaching of notebooks vocabulary learning.
The thesis consists of six parts. The first part introduces the present situation of English vocabulary learning in senior schools and states the purpose and necessity of the study. The second part reviews the historical literature of the research situation both broad and at home. The third part describes the theories, including vocabulary learning acquisition, the cognitive theory, the regulation theory of memory and about self-study strategy. The fourth part is the author tries to apply the practical method of notebooks vocabulary learning brought up by Schmitt in the environment of classroom teaching. It also has a detailed introduction to the hypothesis, experimental object, the test contents and the results of this research. Eighty-six students who are at the age of 15-17 in Senior Grade 1 participated in the experiment. According to their Entrance English Examination scores, the students are randomly divided into two parallel classes. From the intact class, the author treated one class as the experimental group and another is the control group. The pre-test showed no significant differences between the two groups. The teaching is applied by the author herself. The experimental period is one-semester. The vocabulary test is designed by referring to Professor Liu Runqing’s test. Measure instruments in the study are made up of two vocabulary tests, a questionnaire and a reading test. The fifth part is the analysis of the experimental data, which includes the t-test of pre-test before the experiment and the scores of vocabulary test after the experiment, a reading test ,a questionnaire analysis as well. The results have been analyzed by using SPSS11.0.
The sixth part gives a conclusion about the research. After 16-week training, the research shows that the students can memorize and use the basic words more correctly than before and students’ English vocabulary learning skills and their ability of self-study are being developed. Meanwhile, it points out the limitation of this research and the implication to the vocabulary teaching and learning in senior school. That is, the teachers should pay more attention to the importance of vocabulary teaching during the language teaching process. They should use various method of teaching. They should raise the consciousness of learning words and phrases in deep level. It also shows that the notebooks vocabulary training strategy does have a positive effect on vocabulary learning, and it can be practiced in senior middle school vocabulary teaching.
Key words: vocabulary learning; strategy; notebooks method; self-study; senior school students
1. Introduction
1.1 The importance of vocabulary learning in middle school
Vocabulary learning is one of the most important aspects in foreign language learning and teaching. If structure is the skeleton of language, vocabulary is then the organ and flesh (Harmer 1991). Vocabulary is a key element in language learning because a wide productive vocabulary is essential in enhancing the four language skills. Vocabulary development is regarded as part of the process of language skills development. Without a certain size of vocabulary, it is impossible to execute listening, speaking, reading and writing. A solid vocabulary is necessary in every stage of language learning (Laufer 1997).Without grammar we can convey a little, but without vocabulary we can convey nothing. Vocabulary teaching is an indispensable part of English curriculum. Unfortunately vocabulary is neglected in some class. For language learners vocabulary acquisition goes on through out the language learning process, to which the learners, instructors, even the syllabus designers show their major concern. At the same time, it is frustrating for many students when they discover they cannot use them effectively because they do not understand or remember vocabularies. Experienced teachers of English as a second Language know very well how important vocabulary is. However, teaching and learning of vocabulary have been undervalued in the field of second language acquisition throughout its varying stages and up to the present day. It had experienced neglect from Grammar Translation Method before the 1930s and vocabulary control movement before the 1960s. During these periods, many teachers and scholars felt that teaching vocabulary was a low level intellectual activity unworthy of their full attention (Coady1997). Since the 1970s, researches into vocabulary learning began to grow in applied linguistics and gradually have become a focus of present study, especially with the emergence of Communicative Method.
List of Figures and Tables………………………………………………………………………v
List of Abbreviations……………………………………………………………………………vi
Chapter 1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………1
1.1 The importance of vocabulary learning in middle schools……………………1
1.2 Purpose and significance of the study…………………………………………1
Chapter 2 Literature Review ………………………………………………………………3
2.1 Vocabulary study abroad …………………………………………………………3
2.2 Researches on vocabulary study at home………………………………………6
2.3 The definition of learning strategies……………………………………………8
2.4 The classification of learning strategies…………………………………………8
2.5 The introduction to strategies of vocabulary……………………………………9
Chapter 3 Theoretical Bases……………………………………………………………………10
3.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………10
3.2 Theory based on cognitive process……………………………………………11
3.3 Theory based on meta-cognitive strategy………………………………………12
3.4 Theory based on self-study……………………………………………………13
3.5 Theory based on memory………………………………………………………15
Chapter 4 The Present Study…………………………………………………………………17
4.1 Rationale about notebooks vocabulary learning………………………………17
4.1.1 Vocabulary knowledge……………………………………………………18
4.1.2 General principles of vocabulary development………………………20
4.1.3 Relationship between vocabulary learning and reading skill……………21
4.1.4 The selection of the vocabulary ………………………………………22
4.2 Experimental design……………………………………………………………24
4.3 Experimental procedures…………………………………………………………27
Chapter 5 Data Collection…………………………………………………………………………31
5.1 Data analysis…………………………………………………………………………31
5.2 Results and discussions……………………………………………………………36
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Suggestions………………………………………………………36
6.1 Major findings……………………………………………………………………36
6.2 Implications for learning and teaching……………………………………………37
6.3 Limitations and suggestions for future research…………………………………38
Appendix I Pre-test vocabulary test……………………………………………………………44
Appendix II Post-test vocabulary test……………………………………………………………45
Appendix III Reading test of final examination in Grade One………………………48
Appendix IV Questionnaire on vocabulary learning strategy…………………52
Appendix V Questionnaire statistics chart……………………………………………………53
Appendix VI Test statistics chart………………………………………………………………54
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作者点评:Throughout the literature, these pedagogical themes emerge: build a large sight vocabulary, integrate new words with the old, provide a number of encounters with words, promote a deep level of processing, facilitate imaging and concreteness. Using a variety of techniques, and encourage independent learner strategies. When new words are integrated with past knowledge, learners realize that their past experiences are valuable and that they have the skills to process degree of meaning, image, and make concrete a huge body of words in another language (Anita J. Sokmen 1997). The best teaching plan may be to introduce students to a variety of learning strategies and techniques and then let them decide for themselves which ones they prefer. When dealing with vocabulary, Allen (1983) suggests that teachers should create a need for new words if they want them to be learnt.
After one-semester vocabulary notebooks training, and from the analysis of the data in the experiment, we can find that the experimental class yielded promising results, their progress is significant and stable. We had drawn the following conclusions: