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关键词:转型时期; 青年学生; 价值观教育; 教育模式

Abstract :Content: It is a strategic project about the nation’s future and destiny, a basic project about the modern construction of our country and a hope project about the construction of total well-off society and the great revive of our nation, to strengthen the education of the young students’ world outlook, the outlook on life and the value view and the education of the young students’ political thought Therefore, how to carry out the education and research of the value view is an important topic for the education worker paying attention to.
The theoretical base of this article is the socialism market-economic and value theory, and the research object is the contemporary young student under the background of our society, economy and the culture during the transfer time. Combining cross-disciplines method, this article analyses the young students’ value view present situation and its confliction aroused by the entire transfer of our society. Also, it takes a deep research about problem of the education and education pattern of the contemporary young students’ value view under the background of the entire transfer of our society. Furthermore, it gives some advices for this problem.
The start point of this article is the theoretical and practical value of our research and the effectives of enhancing the value view education. Based on the real investigation and study and the literature consult, this article proposes in the present situation research and gives education suggestion. It divides four parts: First, based on the young student value view connotation, this article explains carrying on the young student value view education and its research significance, and proposes the research technique and the mentality. Second, based on the author personally job experience, the theoretical study and the union literature material, the article analyses and unscrambles the present situation and its value view conflict and contradictory performance of the contemporary young students in the new technique revolution, the market economy vigorous development, the western culture influences subtly, social media and network factor under the widespread seepage influence, young students'' life value view, political value view, expense value view, moral value view and professional value view. Third, this thesis ponders the young student value view present situation and reconsiders the traditional value view education pattern and the question which exists in the analysis value view education. Then, it carries on searches and theoretically analyzes about our country value view question and education countermeasure and proposes the opinion and the suggestion and further emphasizes certain principles having to follow in the implementation value view education. Finally, it is mainly in the pointed education countermeasure foundation trying hard to construct the young student value view education pattern. In my opinion, value view education pattern requests four conditions. One, to earnestly absorb and profit from the domestic and foreign values view education and the value view education pattern aspect successful experience. Two, value view education must establish above Chinese characteristic socialism value rationale. Three, to build value view education needs overall environment containing the society, the school and the family together. Four, to fully display value view education operating system function. Thus, it provides the scientific basis and the actual reference and correct guidance for the young student value view education.
By further enriching the young student value view theory and the young student value view education theory, research results in this article could effectively help the young student to form the scientific value view and provide important theoretical instruction and actual strut for the young student value view education pattern construction.

Key word: Transfer time; Young student; Value view education; education pattern

前 言

摘 要1
前 言6
第1章 青年学生价值观教育研究的意义和方法8
1.1 价值观教育的意义8
1.2 价值观教育研究的意义11
1.3 研究方法13
第2章 解读转型期青年学生价值观的现状及成因分析14
2.1 转型时期青年学生价值观的现状14
2.2 转型时期青年学生价值观冲突和矛盾的主要表现18
2.3 青年学生价值观现状的归因分析20
第3章 增强青年学生价值观教育的对策探析26
3.1 反思传统价值观教育26
3.2 探索价值观教育的新方法,增强价值观教育的实效性28
3.3 实施青年学生价值观教育应当遵循的若干原则33
第4章 建构我国价值观教育模式的设想和建议38
4.1 吸取国内价值观教育方面的成功经验38
4.2 借鉴国外价值观教育模式方面的经验39
4.3 以中国特色社会主义理论为指导,夯实价值观教育理论基础40
4.4 社会、学校和家庭共同构建和谐的价值观教育的整体环境42
4.5 充分发挥价值观教育操作系统的功能43
致  谢48
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