关键词:课程标准 教育 中学体育与健康教师 能力
ABSTRACT :The coming of information economy ages leads to the international competition. International competitions mainly show in synthetic national power and education lay a foundation for synthetic national power. Thus the important effects of education are recognized in the countries around the world and the fundamental education courses has been attached more importance to than before. In addition, the economy has been developing so fast that the substantial and cultural life level has improved greatly. However, the decrease of physical act and the increase of psychological pressure caused by modern producing and living ways have increasingly threatened mankind health. For the civil health is very important to national development and social progress and individual happiness, and the physical education and the health courses are the important ways to improve civil health, countries in the world attach much importance to physical education courses.
The reform involves the contents, structure, carrying out, management and value of courses. The standard doesn’t exactly regulate the concrete teaching contents, but determine the choice of teaching contents and teaching methods with goal achievement. The reorientation of teacher’s role and the form of new teaching and learning conception put forward bran-new requirement and challenge for quality and ability of physical education and health teacher.
The article aims at, through literature summery and expert interview, determining the abilities that physical education and health teachers should have----relatively changeless fundamental and professional ability, times-request ability and the ability required by new course standards, and taking the physical education and health teachers in Jinan middle schools as research object to obtain their ability situation by questionnaires and conduct analysis,advancing reasonable proposals.
The investigation show that physical education and health teachers in Jinan middle schools have much relatively changeless fundamental and professional ability, unequal times-request ability and weak ability required by new course standards.
With analysis, the reason for physical education teachers’ weak ability consist in three regions:one is country’system problems;the second one is school’sproblems;the third one is physical education teachers’problems.
Aiming at the current situation of physical education teachers’ ability development, suggestions should be given: for country, establishing the system of improving physical education teachers’ ability development; for school, providing kinds of training and learning chances for teachers and encouraging teachers’ in-service study; for individual, changing conception and enhancing study and communication, finding the real reason for achievements and failures in work, and conducting self-construction and development of ability. These rather scientific and reasonable suggestions are expected to provide a little help for improving teachers’ ability and deepening new-course reform.
Key words: course standard, education, physical education and health teacher in middle school, ability
21世纪是知识经济时代,国际竞争空前激烈。国际竞争主要体现在综合国力方面,由于教育在综合国力竞争中起着奠基的作用,而且许多国家都将教育作为实现国家目的的重要手段,所以综合国力竞争必然聚焦到教育上来。联合国科教文组织在总结20世纪后半叶世界教育的发展趋势时曾深刻地指出:“现在,教育在全世界的发展正倾向于先于经济的发展,这在人类历史上大概还是第一次。”这是在世界上第一次以一个具有重大影响的国际组织的名义提出教育先行的思想。基于对教育功能准确而深刻的认识,党中央、国务院适时提出了“科教兴国”战略,党的十五大明确提出要把教育摆在优先发展的战略地位。教育被赋予了中华民族伟大复兴的历史重任。1999年全国第三次教育工作会议上,《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》中明确提出,“建设高质量的教师队伍,是全面推进素质教育的基本保证”。 时代对教师的能力素质提出了很高的要求。