摘要:对比分析理论于1947年由美国语言学家Charles Fries在他的 Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language 一书中提出。1957年美国语言学家Robert Lado出版的Linguistics across Culture ,将对比分析理论付诸实践。而我国英汉对比研究从1898年马建忠的《马氏文通》算起,到目前已成为一门独立的学科,如:冒国安(2004)主编的《实用英汉对比教程》列入本科英语专业课程教材之一。对比分析以心理学的迁移理论为基础,通过把两种语言体系进行比较,发现它们的异同,解释“母语负面干扰”的现象,为教材的选择和教学大纲的编排提供依据,为语言学习者预防和排除母语的负面影响提供帮助,尽量减少学习时间,杜绝表达失误,从而得体地用英语表达思想,以顺利实现跨文化交际。
关键词: 对比分析; 汉式英语; 高中英语教学; “英译汉”翻译
Abstract :The theory of contrastive analysis was first posited by Charles Fries, an American linguist, in his book Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language published in 1947. Ten years later, another American linguist Robert Lado wrote Linguistics across Culture and put the theory of contrastive analysis into practice. On the other hand, a contrastive study on English and Chinese began with Ma Jianzhong’s 马氏文通(1898). Over 100 years up to present, it has been an independently specialized subject. For example, Mao Guoan (2004)’s A Practical Course in Contrastive Studies of English and Chinese is listed among textbooks series for tertiary English majors. Contrastive analysis based on psychological transfer theory compares the linguistic systems of two languages in order to discover their similarities and differences and explain the phenomena of negative transfer of the native language. Its basic purposes are to provide basis for the selection and grading of teaching materials and for the organization and designing of syllabuses, and at the same time to help the English learners predict and overcome the bad effects of their native language on English. Thus, they will form the mode of thinking like the native speakers of English for successful across-culture communication when they are learning English through contrast and comparison between English and Chinese.
Considering that the brain of senior high school students (15—18 years old) has nearly developed to the brain of the adults and that they have become accustomed to Chinese thinking stereotype, the writer thinks it is rather difficult to eliminate “interference of Chinese” in the way of numerous and repeated pattern drills in class, which possibly leads to the fact that the more work is done and the more time is taken but the result is not so good. It is still discovered that negative transfer of Chinese results in lots of Chinglish phenomena in the students’ English expression. For example, in vocabulary, the Chinese language, a typical isolating language, causes the students to ignore the changes in the word forms; According to the Chinese explanations, they take the word-to-word equivalences between Chinese and English meanings for granted. In sentence patterns, with Chinese parataxis in mind they write down many sentences lacking in conjunctions. In text, spiral thought pattern of Chinese brings out too many theme breaks in the students’ compositions. In conversational pragmatics, it’s easy for the westerners to misunderstand that the Chinese students are rudely inquiring their privacy during the daily conversation, while Chinese regard knowing the others’ age, income, health and marriage as a way to care for each other. So the writer collects a great number of such examples and analyzes them contrastively. What’s better, from the angle of the interlanguage development, he argues that the “C/E translation” exercise is an effective measure to act out the contrastive analysis in English teaching.
Besides, the writer started to do an experiment on applying contrastive analysis to senior English teaching in Class One of Senior Grade One in Wuhan No.68 High School in September, 2005. The experiment was the “C/E translation” activity. Some Chinese sentences or short Chinese passages were given to his students each time. After they finished their translation, the writer provided them with some appropriate versions. At the end of this term, in order to verify whether the method is more effective or not, the writer compared his experimental class’s scores with a controlled class’s scores in the unified final-examination of Wunhan. All the statistic results show the significant advantage of E/C contrastive analysis method. It will also make us more aware that the application of this method to senior English teaching will be practical as well as operative.
Key words: contrastive analysis; Chinglish; senior English teaching; C/E translation
2000年,全国高中英语教学情况调查是经教育部基础教育司批准, 在全国范围内,对基础教育外语教学现状进行调查的活动。目的是为教育部基础教育司制订21世纪基础教育英语课程国家标准提供依据,是我国此类调查中涉及范围最广,参与教师和学生最多的一次。据《全国高中英语教学情况参照性调查研究报告》的调查结论显示:现行高中英语教材(即1996—2003年使用的人民教育出版社与朗文出版社合编的教材)实施以来,我国高中英语教学已取得一定的成绩,为高中英语教学改革起到了积极的促进作用,但本套教材存在两个原则性的失误。