摘 要:地理知识图像化是当前世界各国中学地理教材改革中出现的一个明显趋势,我国新一轮中学地理教材改革中,顺应了世界潮流,不仅在教材中增加了大量的图像信息,而且使图像成为教材课文的有机组成,图像系统在教材、教学中的功能也由过去传统的单一的教学工具和手段,转变为集“育智、育能、育德”为一体的综合功能。新教材结构体系的这一显著变化,不仅成为今后新教材使用中教学改革研究的方向,也给中学地理教师教学提出了新的要求。而在实际教学与教研中,对图像的关注仍停留在传统功能上,不利于图像系统综合功能的充分发挥,不利于地理课程标准与教学改革的顺利进行。因此,加强对新教材图像系统的研究,在中学地理教育教学改革中具有重要的理论与实践意义,这也正是本文选题的主要依据与研究目标。
Abstract :Geography imaging is an evidence of secondary geography educational reform all around the world. In China, our practices are changing along with world trends. Images are now much more numerous and are part of the body of the text. In the past, images were viewed as a singular technology. But nowadays images can perform multiple functions: improve students’ intellect, skills, and morals.
This dramatic change in teaching geography aids teachers in doing research. It also provides a new standard for secondary geography teachers. In our practice of teaching and research, we should not pay attention to traditional ways of using images. They can neither take advantage of the images’ entire potential, nor are they good for high geography standards and teaching reforms.
Therefore, it is important to do research on the geography imaging system. It is the main purpose and foundation of my treatise.
Research methods have changed. Summaries and case studies have been replaced by comparative and systematic methods, which are based on field studies and questionnaires or surveys. These analyze images from home and abroad and also compare the images used during various periods of our secondary geography teaching history. Current research also systematically studies the new imaging system – its characteristics, categories, and functions.
Finally, this abstract adopts the authentic proof to investigate the imaging
system’s current situations and problems.
In addition, it puts forward a suggestion. After analysis, it concludes that geography imaging is a crucial trend in the reform of secondary geography teaching materials, both at home and abroad. The imaging system has gradually diversified and become more comprehensive. An example of this is the secondary geography teaching materials published by PEP. The total number of pictures amounts to 900, 50% of the textbooks’ total content. Images have become part of the body of the teaching material. Secondary geography teaching should adapt to these trends as soon as possible.
In teaching practice, although the use of images in teaching has been recognized, their function has remained a traditional one: “improve skills.”
Therefore, this thesis discusses geography imaging systematically. Geography imaging will become part of new textbooks, be used by teachers in new ways, and give impetus to basic education reforms.
【Key Words】 PEP Secondary geography textbooks Imaging system condtions and problems Application criterion