Abstract :Along with our country economy level of development rapid enhancement,The sports more and more receives in the middle of the society takes,The school sports also widely develop,The student also more and more likes the sports,But after frequently because lacks the certain movement hygienic knowledge and appears the movement damage the emergency procedures to be improper,After is injured often creates the nonessential pain。How after therefore studies prevents the movement damage as well as the damage restoration is extremely has the significance and extremely essential。This article suits own experience,Uses the literature material,Adjusts the questioning volume,Visit conversation law with method and so on example investigation, The discussion now in the school sports the movement damage occurs rule and prevention. In initially grasps the movement damage in the middle of various projects distribution、Damage nature、After damage and season information and so on relations,Introduced the movement damage the prevention and restores the method,And proposed must strengthen the prevention consciousness, the scientific method treatment。
Key words:Sports;Movement damage;Distribution;Prevention
当今随着社会经济的飞速发展,加上高校不断扩招,大学生的就业以及心理压力越来越大,广大学子们更加重视自己是否拥有健康的体魄和良好的心理素质。因此,各项体育运动在校园热烈发展.随着体育运动的广泛开展,防治运动损伤有着重要的意义。通过研究受伤原因、受伤机理、恢复时间与伤后运动安排等,为改善运动条件 运动方法、提高运动成绩和增进健康等有着积极的作用。但往往由于对运动知识的缺乏和急于求成的心理,在体育运动中,常发生各种伤害事故,轻者影响正常的学习和健康,重者可造成残疾甚至危及生命,给国家和个人带来了巨大的损失,同时也对家庭造成负担,并对开展学校体育运动造成不良影响。由此可见,加强预防体育活动中运动损伤调查的研究具有十分重要的意义。本文旨在调查研究的基础上,进一步了解长春市普通高校大学生运动损伤的现状,主要从日常锻炼的角度搞清楚各类损伤的发生,受伤原因及恢复情况,并针对性提出今后的预防措施与建议,为广大在校师学生们科学、合理锻炼提供参考。